View Full Version : Armpit Ache - Reassurance Please!!!

09-05-05, 20:07
For the last few months I have been getting pain in my armpits. Its sporadic and it can be in either armpit or both at the same time. There is no swelling or unusual marks at all. I remember I read a book a few months back about Lance Armstrong and his cancer. Ever since I knew about it spreading though lymph glands I have had these pains. Lance suffered with Testicular cancer and I remember at the time I started to get funny pains in that area as well but they have since stopped. Has anyone else had similair experiences? Do you think I should see my doctor (I think he will be sick of me soon!!) or is my anxiety causing these armpit pains?

09-05-05, 20:21
Hi rhowes

Sorry to hear about that...I think you are completely entitled to see your doc and have a check up. Anxiety can cause many physical symptoms but nothing wrong with having a test or a check up, huh?
Prevention better than cure. ;)
Take care.

** Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.**

09-05-05, 20:49
**I remember I read a book a few months back about Lance Armstrong and his cancer. Ever since I knew about it spreading though lymph glands I have had these pains.**

And quite a book it is too ..Its written in the first person and its so easy to completely get in there with him..
Although I must admit I finished it liking him a lot less than at the beginning.

If there is no swelling there or in other lymph nodes and in absence of other symptoms, it is not Lances lymphoma.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-05-05, 21:03
Thanks for you replies, i'm pretty sure it's just my mind playing tricks anyway.

I agree with you about the book as well Meg. certainly easy to get into but your opinion of him does change for the worse towards the end.

09-05-05, 22:16

I am sure it is your mind playing tricks as we all get with anxiety, but for reassurance you have nothing to lose by going to see your doctor and getting it checked out.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

14-05-05, 19:52
Hi Rhowes, i get achy armpits alot, have always put it down to bad posture and anxiety. I also get neck and shoulder aches with it too.

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

14-05-05, 21:12
Thanks Kt,my posture is bad too so sure its the same thing