View Full Version : How many of us have high BP?

13-08-08, 22:42
They say one in every three. Just wondering how many of us in here suffer from high BP? What is your BP and are you on medication for it?

13-08-08, 22:48
If I can keep calm my blood pressure is fine for my age - I'm 47 yrs old and its 130/78 when I am calm BUT take it before I have a medical test and they sit me in the naughty corner until it has gone down a bit!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just goes to show how sheer terror affects your blood pressure. I have learnt to slow breathe for 10 mins before its taken if it is before a test - my Dr catches me out and just suddenly bangs on the cuff and its always normal when she does that but if she says next time I see you we will take your blood pressure -- white coat syndrome here we come.

13-08-08, 22:55
I tend to have low BP

13-08-08, 23:06
Mine is high and on medication for it

13-08-08, 23:08
Same here.. BP high and on medication (which I hate taking)

13-08-08, 23:10
Blood pressure!!!!

Mine can be ok but on several occasions its been high and that worries me (no surprise there) 135/95.

At the moment im really stressed so i would expect it to be high.

love lilibet x:hugs:

Cathy V
13-08-08, 23:23
Mine was always normal (usually around 130 over 83 ish) through 4 pregnancies, 2 divorces and numerous family crisis and house moves (in uk) and years of on and off anxiety, plus menopuase 5 years ago. It never wavered.

Then this time last year after id moved to germany i had it tested and it was 180 over 110...scary! ive been on betablockers ever since but the side effects from these cause their own problems, but they seem to keep my blood pressure steady and these days it usually hovers around 145 over 90 which is still higher than ideal.

Cathy xxx

Cathy V
13-08-08, 23:52
Oh, and my mum who never suffered with anxiety ever, and who sailed through the menopause, still ended up with high bp in her 50s and the docs say it can be sort of passed on. But i aslo remember an ex sister-in-law who was always being told her bp was high and she was only in her early 30s and as far as i know shes still around and is now in her 50s. So i guess it can happen anytime...its just that i wasnt prepared for it and it drives me mad that its happened!

14-08-08, 02:05
So not too many of us. Nicola and those that answered yes what meds do you take and what is your BP like while medicated?

14-08-08, 09:52
yeah same here i'm on beta blockers for my heart rate was high when i'm worked up and when i'm at home my bp is110/60 then i went to the docs appointment today and it was 130/90 and i can feel myself getting worked up before i go in. anyway i hope its low when i go to the cardiologist on friday.

Cathy V
14-08-08, 10:27
In answer to your question about the meds Alison, i was on propranolol to start (80mg slow release) but now on bisoprolol at 5mg which is more or less the same as 80mg prop'. I only take half every day 2.5 because i really dont like the side effects on the full dose, though my bp is a little higher on only half a pill so the doc tends to pull his face a bit.

Was given betablockers because i had bad migraines too and they treat both, but in hindsight perhaps they should have given me meds to target only the bp such as ace inhibitors, and a seperate med for the migraine which i only get occasionally, but then i dont know what side effects if any, there are with ace inhibitors....so its a bit of a minefield! :wacko: xxxxx

14-08-08, 10:44
My blood pressure has been sky high in the past...................the worst was 200/115!! I wouldn't take any meds at first because I was frightened of them, and any side effects. However, the BP got constantly higher and then I got worried. As my Doc explained high BP won't kill you now, it's the damage done that will have an effect in later years.

I decided to take the chance and went on Atenolol (Betablocker) and Lisinipril (ACE). So far I have been really lucky. The worst I have felt is a little bit distant initially, a bit fuzzy. This does only seem to last a couple of hours or so. I can still function properly, but I do things at a slightly slower pace.

My BP is now within the normal range, my heart rate now averages around 60 beats per minute, and I do feel so much better. In fact sometimes I get worried because I feel fine!!! :wacko:

I hope this helps, don't be frightened of meds, people just need to find the right one to suit their circumstances.


14-08-08, 11:04
It seems high bp can be inherited as my friends mother had high blood pressure diagnosed at 18 yrs old! and was on meds all her life and she didn't die of any blood pressure related illness either and even on meds her bp was high, her daughter my friend is now 50 and her blood pressure was picked up as high in her 40's ( she avoids Drs so probably had it a long time) and is on meds and now her young slim fit and healthy daughter (27 yrs old) has blood pressure so high that she has had to go on strong meds. my friends son who is a weight lifting builder so super fit also has slightly high blood pressure and he is only 23yrs old.

14-08-08, 16:24
Ww,thanks so much for everyone sharing. Anyone else?

14-08-08, 21:17
I've never suffered from high blood pressure typically scoring 140's /70's but I have been taking a beta blocker for two years firstly following angina, now a higher dosage to prevent panic attacks.

14-08-08, 21:19
Mine is high!

15-08-08, 00:41
Mine has been a little high at times, but tends to be around 135/80 or so. Both of my parents had high bp, so I figure it's probably only a matter of time, but that's the least of my worries right now.

15-08-08, 22:16
I'm what is called a "hot responder".

My blood pressure is wonderful for my age (52 yo), but it quickly shoots sky high when I get "worked up". And, as a hot responder, it doesn't take much to get me worked up.

I'm a quiet person who usually keeps everything inside, without saying anything or showing any sign of being upset outwardly. I was POLISHED and TRAINED this way by a professional finishing service many years ago. I'm very good at it (staying calm and collected), but I think it has destroyed me on the inside.

I don't care what they say to the contrary about not being able to "feel" blood pressure, I KNOW that I can feel mine going up. I've even gotten very good at predicting what it is going to be as a reading.

With a rather severe panic attack recently (3 weeks ago tonight), my blood pressure was measured at 214/116 at the hospital. The next morning, it was 110/68.

They've put me on meds (linsinopril), taken me off meds, put me back on meds, and taken me back off meds again (I'm not joking).

I'm currently supposed to be off, but this time I stayed on -- just in case. I can't afford another 214/116 blood pressure reading. That's in the stroke zone.

15-08-08, 23:00
Wow never2late that mustve been scary! After I had my tw kids both times my BP shot up to 210/110 or something. I was put on mag rght away but they had a really hard time getting it normal. I was in the hospital 12 days before it went to a level where I could go home, with 4 different medications!!!