View Full Version : Advice on counsellors

09-05-05, 20:29
Hi all, I find myself in the enviable posistion of having two counsellors. Having been on a waiting list for months with the NHS, I also applied through my job, I work for the local council for their free counselling service. Both got back to me the same week and I have seen both of these counsellors once. Both have made a good impression, both making good suggestions. However, im not sure if it might turn out to be counter productive seeing both as they may have conflicting ideas. One of them is at a damn awkward time so im thinking of dropping that one. What do you all think?, should I stick with both or just one. I dont want to upset the NHS by cancelling in case I need them in the future, but this is the one id rather cancel if any. I also think that perhaps im being greedy and that someone else could benefit from the NHS counsellor.

June x

long term panic/anxiety sufferer with mild/medium agoraphobia.

09-05-05, 21:56
Hi June

My personally opinion would be to stick with one and i am sure you have connected with one better than the other. They all have different techniques and how they deal with clients and seeing both of them could give you conflicting advice which in the long run will not be a benefit to you at all.

Go with the one you feel you can trust and rely on them and then you will have continuous support, with just one insight rather than getting two pictures that you may struggle to separate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

10-05-05, 08:39
Hi June,

I would say go with the one you feel most comfortable with.
Know matter which one you pick I'm sure if you explain whats happend they will understand.
I was on a waiting list but by the time they phoned me I had found this site and was feeling alot better, I explained to them that I did not need it now. I explaind everything and told her about this site and that someone else would benifit from this appointment, she said that it was fine but if I needed them in the future to give them a ring.
You are right when you say seeing both would have conflictiing ideas.



10-05-05, 13:03
yes i agree with what has been said go with the one you feel more comfortable with,

good luck with it hope it helps

kairen x

10-05-05, 17:14
Thanks guys, im just writing a letter to the NHS counsellor to cancel my appointments, you can never get her by phone lol. Think its for the best.

June x

long term panic/anxiety sufferer with mild/medium agoraphobia.

10-05-05, 18:08
Glad that you have made your mind up June and are getting it sorted. :D

10-05-05, 20:38

Good luck with the councillng. I think its a good choice to stick to one councillor.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.