View Full Version : health anxiety and holidays

14-08-08, 09:50
Going to rhodes in greece on sat and my anxiety is getting worse. Got to the point that i really dont want to go and cant stop crying. I am worried that i am going to have to go into hospital over there. I ve been worried about stomach pains for the past 2 months (since my friend was rushed into hospital with a cyst in her overies). I have been to the doctors she has checked my stomach and said it all feels fine and said it will be stress causing my ibs to be worse. How on eath am i going to enjoy my holiday and not ruin it for my partner?

14-08-08, 10:19
I would get some valium, and once you get out there, you will probably be so chuffed with yourself you won't suffer! Ovarian cysts are often hereditary, and although they can and do burst, actually they don't do very much with you even when you are in hospital with them!

Is your partner understanding normally? My OH is very good, and supportive, and knows just the right thing to say and how to distract me! try taking an MP3 player with some relaxation exercises on them - I find these really good at helping me to calm down. I honestly think once you get out there you'll be fine. think about that guy who had to cut his own hand off and walk miles to help - he survived!

14-08-08, 10:22
my partner is not very understanding which makes it worse. He says there is people with real problems and im crying with made up ones! What relaxation excerises do you do?

14-08-08, 10:58
try tim wells he does excellent anti anxiety cds

tim@hypnosis-sheffield.com (https://webmail.plus.net/src/compose.php?send_to=tim%40hypnosis-sheffield.com)

14-08-08, 11:06
Hi, I went to Menorca recently & I was so worked up about going. I too have IBS & it's always worse when I go away somewhere, so that will be why your tummy hurts. Anyway, on the day we were travelling, I slept through my alarm so I woke up in a panic thinking we were going to be late (which we weren't) we got there & we were 4 & half hours delayed (I kept thinking I was going to pass out in airport, which of course I didn't) then when we were waiting I threw up outside the airport (I kept thinking I had a stomach bug & was going to throw up & my tummy would be upset of the plane andf wouldn't make it to the bathroom in time (which of course didn't happen) then when we got there, throughout the week my anxiety somehow vanished! I kept telling myself, if I can go to restaurants & bars on hol then why can't I do that sort of thing at home & since we got home I haven't been anxious as much as I normally would have been & I think I have had about 3 panic attacks but they have no way been anything as bad as they used to be. So, my advice would be, chill, relax & enjoy yourself!!!!!!

14-08-08, 11:27
I am flying to Menorca next Friday c700 so I can totally sympathise with you. It's my last hurdle that I am struggling to overcome, I have to get me, an excited wife and 2 kids there, then drive when we land, so a few relaxing drinks are out of the question.

My anxiety has already caused me a couple of restless nights (I don't cry, I am far too macho for that ;)), but in seriousness it is playing on my mind, and everyone around me is so excited and I am just thinking what if this? what if that?

It's a bloody shame really, it's costing a small fortune and I really should be looking forward to a relaxing break in the sun, but I just can't seem to stop this holiday anxiety.

I get it just as bad in the UK.

What I can't understand though, is that I can work away and I am fine, but go away on holidays?

Someone somewhere must know what goes on inside my head cause I sure as hell don't.

I will take Janey's advice I think, and I hope you come back and tell us it went well.

Take Care


14-08-08, 11:47
Going to rhodes in greece on sat and my anxiety is getting worse. Got to the point that i really dont want to go and cant stop crying. I am worried that i am going to have to go into hospital over there. I ve been worried about stomach pains for the past 2 months (since my friend was rushed into hospital with a cyst in her overies). I have been to the doctors she has checked my stomach and said it all feels fine and said it will be stress causing my ibs to be worse. How on eath am i going to enjoy my holiday and not ruin it for my partner?

I can appreciate how you feel I am due to go to my sisters at the end of the month and it is a 8 hr train journey. I am worried about going also, as I have a brain tumour and sods law etc

I am going first class and have asked for assistance as I suffer from other problems which require me to walk with a stick. I have to go as I haven't been for a long time I am also worried about leaving my son and daughter (26 &24) as my daughter suffers from OCD ,social paranoia, agoraphobia, depression and anxiety.

She really wants me to go and have a good time but before I go she wants me to order two fire extinguishers and a fire blanket.

I hope you have a wonderful time.:yesyes:

14-08-08, 12:48
I am so sorry to hear that you are getting so anxious about something that you should be really looking forward to. I too suffer terribly from HA and although I get really excited about my holidays there is always a part of me that once I am there get a bit panicked that I will feel unwell. What you have to remember is that nothing bad is going to happen to you and that the moments of anxiety do pass. I agree with the other posts, relaxation cd's are very good for relaxing you and making you focus on other things.
I was also sorry to hear that your partner isn't very understanding of your condition, luckily my husband is very supportive and says all the right things. Perhaps you should let him read some of the threads on this web site so that he might be able to understand that Health Anxiety is an illness in itself.
Going back to your tummy troubles, I too just recently had an ache in my right side and pelvis for weeks on end, I was terrified I had Ovarian Cancer, I was referred for a pelvic scan and everything was completely normal, so you can get these pains for no apparent reason, although I am sure yours is being brought on by your anxiety about going on holiday.
Try and go away and have the good time that you truly deserve.
Take care.

14-08-08, 13:20
I use the ones from this website:
and download them onto my MP3 player. They are very good - i have used the muscle relaxation ones, the going to sleep ones and some others.
Hope you have a good time! it's a shame about your other half - my OH is massively uderstading, but he can get quite frustrated by it all, when I going through a bad patch.
just think how good you'll feel about yourself after you've been!