View Full Version : 6-8 week wait for my sons scan

14-08-08, 10:22
Hi i posted here before about my son having a lump on his back and having x-rays done. The x-rays were normal but he has to have an ultrasound too. I phoned to speak to the consultant last week after i got the x-ray results but he was'nt there. His secretary knew that i was really worried about having to wait for such a long time for his scan so she let me speak to another doctor. I know that doctors must know if something is deemed as urgent but i cant stop worrying that they might be wrong and that they should be doing things quicker. I said this to the doctor and he said that its highly unlikely to be anything serious and explained to me about symptoms that my son would be having if it was serious, this helped me for a while but now all the worries are starting to creep back. I feel like taking him to a private consultant just so i can get some answers quickly, this waiting is hell. I know i should reassured but i just cant help thinking the worst. Doctors do make mistakes. Should i push to have the scan done sooner? not sure that they would anyway, i'm sure they think i'm some neurotic mother.

14-08-08, 13:22
you could always ask to go on the cancellation list, and hope someone cancels! I think they are pretty good at knowing when things might be serious. Hope this helps - are you trying not to convey your anxiety to your son? i'm sure this is partly how my HA started - from my Mum fussing all the time!

14-08-08, 18:01
Can you afford to go private? Im not saying that you should have to go private but for peace of mind it might be worth it? What does everyone else think?

Love lilibet x x x

14-08-08, 19:20
It is very hard not to worry when it involves our children,I know as I have a 5 yr old daughter and used to worry constantly when she was a baby,I still get anxious about her but tend to hide it a lot of the time as I don't want her to pick up on it,as Seeker said we do pass on our anxious ways to our kids and that isn't right.
If you are that concerned and really cannot wait until your son goes for his scan then have another word with the consultant or even your own gp who could put your mind at rest.Doctors do and can get things wrong but thankfully not that often and going private would be pretty pricey.I am sure that the doctor would have hurried it along if he thought there was any chance of it being serious,as such you are waiting the usual time on the NHS.
Doctors are used to hearing peoples worries and will be only too willing to alay your fears,I hope everything goes well.

14-08-08, 23:01
Good post Mothermac, you see I would have been there and paid ££££ maybe unnecessary....

Love liliet x

15-08-08, 09:25
I'm a worrier too so I would pay to have go private and get the ultra-sound done. It'll probably be about £200 tops but you'll be done within a few days, sometimes even the next day.

My sister-in-law had gyny problems a couple of years back and they paid for a pelvic ultrasound and were seen the next day. Everything was fine but paying for the scan was for peace of mind.

To be honest, if the doctors thought there was remotely anything wrong with your son, I doubt you'd be scheduled in for 8 weeks.