View Full Version : Worried again - Wobbly arms and legs

14-08-08, 12:06
I am suffering these last few days with my stress and anxiety and today I did some gardening as thought I need some fresh air. I trimmed the edges and feel so unfit. My legs now feel all wobble and a bit like jelly and so do my arms and hands. I am hoping its just because I have used muscles I haven't used in a while but am so worried and scared its something more, muscle wastage or something.
I have a bad neck and shoulders and always seem to have a strained muscle somewhere, either I am getting old, just really unfit or something is wrong?
My arms and legs sometimes just ache and feel so tired.
Is this stress as I don't feel that bad, just a bit anxious and the more symptoms I have the worse I get and paranoid that there is something wrong with me.
Does anyone feel wobbly after a bit of exercise? Is it anxiety just wearing me out? Would appreciate some support here to make me feel normal and not a mad woman who should run to the doctors, but they will probably laugh at me...

16-08-08, 13:48
Yes, my arms and legs get wobbly after a session in the garden, its because the muscles don't get used regularly and they are telling you they don't like the excess excercise. I usually end up pulling a muscle too, I only lifted a patio tub to repot the plant and have had a pain in my arm for 2 weeks since then. Of course if you have a problem with your neck as well, then you have to be extra careful not to over-strain it. I would say do a bit and often of gardening but I don't even take my own advice, when the weather is fine you have to grab the opportunity to get the work done.

T:doh: :doh: ake it slowly you have only fatigued your muscles.


16-08-08, 17:25
Yes I can get like this too if I overdo it in the garden and it's a horrible feeling I agree but don't let it worry you cos it's pretty common. Just do as suggested and do little and often.

Piglet :flowers:

19-08-08, 09:44
Thanks For Your Support X

19-08-08, 11:38

I suffer from HA.
What your describing happens to me too.

I figure for me it's because i worry about doing any exercise that will raise my heartrate, so when i do i think i tense up therefore causing muscle pain afterwards.

I find a nice hot bath can help loads

Take care
