View Full Version : Greetings from Yorkshire, England.

Malton Seadog
14-08-08, 13:30
Hi all,

I've known about this site since May but have only just got round to registering!

Here's my brief story...

At the end of April, I was playing in a concert with my brass band when I started to need the loo at the start of the second half. I thought nothing of it, but as the set progressed, I became more and more desperate despite my best efforts of crossing my legs and jigging about in my seat!

It got so bad, that I waited until the very last line of the last piece of music before getting up and running off stage to the toilet, much to my embarassment! As you can imagine, the whole audience saw and the band were concerned about me, thinking I'd gone to be sick or something.

Anyway - for the next week or two, whenever I left the house, I would always look for the nearest toilet. Indeed, when I even started to need the loo, I would feel the urge to go there and then. Whether this was genuine damage to my bladder or just a pyschological thing, I don't know, but it wasn't nice. Panic was a word which I began to use for the first time in the weeks following the concert.

Anyway - a few weeks later, as May began, it happened. My first anxiety attack.

I was about to go to sleep, and all of a sudden I sat bolt upright and thought "something's wrong, I don't feel well". I came over all hot and immediately got up and ran to the window, as I felt I needed fresh air there and then. It didn't make me feel any better.

Despite it being around 8 or 9C outside, I went and sat in the garden in just my boxer shorts (down girls! :winks: ) to get some air. I sat looking up at the stars and thought to myself, as first time sufferers do, "Oh b*****r, I think I might be having a heart attack!".

I went back inside and actually switched the laptop on and googled my symptoms - racing heart, short of breath, hot flushes. It came up with anxiety, but I ignored it as I thought I couldn't possibly suffer from anything like that. Anyway - it hit me again there and then, and I went back outside. Following this, I went to bed shivering. I felt awful. Then it started for the third time and I ran into my mum's bedroom and asked her to call an ambulance, stating that 'serious heart palpatations' were the reason I needed one.

The paramedic was very good with me and took heart readings, all of which were perfectly healthy of course. He said I'd had an anxiety attack. I was mortified, but thought It'd be a one off. Regardless, I was taken to Scarborough hospital which is a 24 mile ambulance ride. They checked me over and sent me home. I got home at around 5am!

The next few weeks were awful. I was worried about having another one, but it never came.

All of a sudden, after no symptoms for a month, it hit me again in June. It was bedtime again and my heart started going like the clappers. I controlled it, but I was upset about it.

Since then, it's been on and off. Some days I can be anxious pretty much all day and feel rotten; other days I won't have a single symptom.

I went to my GP for a chat more than anything, and he has forwarded me to a Mental Health Primary Healthcare Nurse, who I will be seeing on the 12th September.

For the record, my main symptoms are:

* Racing heart
* Dizziness
* Lethargy
* Nausea
* Tight throat

I'm most uncomfortable in large shopping centres or controlled situations where a quick escape isn't possible.

14-08-08, 14:02

What you are describing is classic panic. Sometimes I am desperate for the loo, but usually when I'm panicky. I have had a good few days (about 10 days ago) and now I'm back to hell again.

I have managed to avoid drugs (have had panic for 10 years approx) and I had some CBT which was good at the time but it is easy to forget all the good advice and techniques that you are given to help. You have been very lucky to get such a quick referral to someone who will hopefully help you.

One thing to try is to just face it when it happens, head on. See how bad you can make yourself feel. (sounds weird but bear with me!) You will find it can't get any worse and subsides faster. If you try and fight the feeling it just seems to suffocate you and the awful feelings are more drawn out.

I hope you feel better soon and that talking to the mental health team will help you. In the meantime try and minimise any stress and take it easy.

PM anytime!

Moo xx

14-08-08, 14:42
Hi Malton Seadog

Welcome to this site, you will find friendship, sound advice and reassurance here. Moo is exactly right with her advice, face it head on and dont fight it. If you can recognise what is causing the anxiety then try and resolve any issues you have, sometimes the cause is not instantly recognisable. You must have anxiety to have panic attacks as the latter do not appear on there own. Do not make the mistake that I did and avoid the anxiety by using avoidance as that is the slippery slope to agoraphobia, and that is a monster to defeat. Also dont google every symptom if at all as that really can play with your mind. Trust your doctor and other health professionals.
All the best

14-08-08, 17:45
Hi Malton Seadog

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

milly jones
14-08-08, 20:06
aww hunny, u so have anxiety xx

welcome to nmp

a world of ppl understand here

milly xx

14-08-08, 20:34
Hiya hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.

15-08-08, 14:23
Hello Malton And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

15-08-08, 16:06
Hi Malton,

Welcome to NMP. Many here understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


15-08-08, 21:11
Hi Malton

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

15-08-08, 23:43
hiya malton,
:welcome: i live in scarborough so i guess were nearly neighbours!:ohmy:

jenny xxxxxxxx

16-08-08, 02:54
Welcome to the site as I have just joined too!! We all seem to have panic and anxiety ...... As it is because of prolonged stress!! Our fear system is telling us 'Hey I am going to scare you!!! But I have learned that panic and anxiety just needs a kick in the butt!!!!!! Sorry for that word!! I hope it helps with my advice as I use guided meditation and trying to change the way I think about things now has been a great help.... Ahh I am from South Shields Tyne and wear... Welcome...... Pauline:welcome: