View Full Version : My Story

Purple Fish
14-08-08, 13:56
Hi There,

My story starts back in October 2005 when I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. After I`d had my scan to confirm this I went into real full on panic for the first time in my life. I felt totally out of control and just wanted the operation to remove it as quicly as possible. I had been told that it was extremely unlikely it was cancerous but the mere mention of the word panicked me. I had blood tests and they came back normal which relieved me. On November 4th 2005 I went into hospital to have the cyst removed. I was told everything went well and it looked benign. I noticed my stomach was still rather swollen and told a nurse that it looked like they hadn`t removed it! I felt rather groggy but put this down to the operation. It wasn`t until the next afternoon that it was picked up that my blood levels were low and they suspected an internal bleed. So back down to theatre I went to have it sorted and a 4 pint blood transfusion. However I recovered very well and the results came back to say the cyst was just fluid filled and benign. They did have to remove the ovary which it was attached to and the fallopian tube. It wasn`t until the beginning of 2007 that I started feeling different. I was at work one day and after having the odd dizziness/lightheadedness which had been going on for a couple of months I broke down and bawled my eyes out in the staff toilets. I felt such despair and had no idea why, it frightened me. I felt so depressed and worried. My friend came with me to the doctors and waited while I went in. He was so understanding and held my hand while I sobbed and told him my story about the cyst. Although I have recovered now it is still so fresh in my head and I think about it every day. My doctor said I was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress and the fact that I feel worse 2 weeks before my period was due to fluctuating hormones. He prescribed Norethisterone (mini pill) and Prozac. I did try weaning myself off Prozac a few months ago but started feeling rubbish again so I`m back on 20mg a day. The dizziness was that worried me the most although it was a combination of stress and hormones. The Prozac has helped with that a great deal. I went through a stage of thinking I`d got a brain tumour! I still have obsessive negative thoughts about dying, cancer, other life threatening illnesses and it doesn`t help when you here of it all the time! There is always someone I know of who`s just been diagnosed with cancer! It all depends on the time of the month with me but sometimes I`ll get a migraine attack or feel really down and think of the worst possible scenario in any situation. When I feel good I`m great, like a laugh and a joke and have the `life`s too short` attitude. I want to be like this all the time and I think I will be one day. I think about what I was like before the cyst and wish I could be like that again. My doctor is very good and does listen. I`m wondering about going to see a counseller (I was offered and refused), they may understand in more depth about this sort of thing.
I think this forum is great though and it does relate to what I`m going through.
Thank you for reading!
Purple Fish :roflmao:

14-08-08, 15:00
Hi Purple Fish

Welcome to this site. Quite a lot of us anxiety sufferers including myself started of with health anxieties which allowed the anxiety to surface and culminate in panic attacks. The main thing that I have learnt is to trust your doctor and above all not to prediagnose yourself from books or the Web. I do agree with you that yes there maybe is to much information on the television, radio or newspapers for us health phobics. The articles or programmes probably do not affect the average person but for us we tend to latch onto the negative issues. Most serious health issues come to light very quickly so I would,nt worry about long standing issues. Obviously your experiences with surgery haven,t helped your state of mind but try and put it into context and distract yourself with living a healthy and happy life.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is good for health anxiety, see if your doctor could refer you to a councillor. A group session is good as you will meet like minded people with different problems but all grouped under the umbrella of anxiety.

I wish you all the best and please dont always fear the worst. Try and change your thinking pattern into a healthy positive one and just enjoy life.

Purple Fish
14-08-08, 15:09

Thank you for your positive reply. I have been told by my doctor not to `Google` symptoms but I just can`t help myself! Before the internet I`d never thought about going to the library to look anything up! I just hope that one day I will be able to come off the Prozac and only rely upon the odd glass of wine and the great friends I have to unwind!
Purple Fish

14-08-08, 17:48
Hi Purple Fish

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

14-08-08, 17:53
Hello Purple Fish

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support here

Take care


Purple Fish
14-08-08, 19:44

Thank you everyone. It`s been a great help already!


milly jones
14-08-08, 20:01
welcome to nmp hunny

love milly xxx

14-08-08, 20:40
Hiya hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Plz Plz stop googleing symptoms, it will tell you the worse case senerio and scare you silly. I was a googler untill i found this place and everyone here has made me feel so much better about things
When you are scared or worried do a post and we will help you as much as we can.

take care


14-08-08, 22:30
Hi Hun, :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site,

As you can see, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you



14-08-08, 23:17
I agree with your doctor and everyone else on here. Do not google the symptoms. It is NOT a good idea lol. Instead trust your doctor that he made the right diagnosis, in which he did. If you ever need to talk just message me! <3

Jessica xx

14-08-08, 23:51

:welcome: to the site

love mandie x

15-08-08, 14:21
Hello Purple Fish And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

Purple Fish
15-08-08, 14:50

I can`t believe all the replies I`ve had! Everyone`s great! Thank you so much for the welcome, will keep you posted!

Purple Fish :yahoo: xx

15-08-08, 16:07
Hi Purple Fish,

Welcome to NMP. Many here understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


15-08-08, 16:27
I also know someone who had to have an ovary removed, and I'm worried if that would have any negitive long-term effects. :ohmy:

Anyway, welcome to NMP, I hope you find any support you need here. :)

15-08-08, 21:10
Hi Purple Fish

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

Purple Fish
18-08-08, 15:58
Hi There!

I`m soooo pleased I have found `No More Panic`. It`s already been a great help. I`d like to know why is it that when I have one of my `moments` that I think about cancer and brain tumours?! It drives me nuts! I`m so glad I don`t think about it all the time as I don`t think I would be able to function. The Prozac has helped so much with these negative thoughts and I am so worried about coming of it. I know I can`t take it for the rest of my life and I would like to go through life without it just to so I can say I am the real me. Although the Prozac is making me feel like the real me! I have got to go back to my GP soon and I think he wants to lower my dose.

Purple Fish xx:yesyes: xx

18-08-08, 19:19
Hi Purple Fish

I am sure you will find this site very helpful - it is good to know there are many other people sharing their anxiety problems and helping each other.

I have suffered from health anxiety for many years - always think the worst, and it has always revolved around cancer. It can be very distressing. I think it would be a very good idea to have some therapy if it has been offered - also sounds like your doctor is understanding and will be able to wean you off the prozac as and when he feels you are ready.

18-08-08, 19:36
Welcome to NMP, hope you find the help you need. :)