View Full Version : Rheumatology?

14-08-08, 14:52
Hello everyone :D

I'd just like some advice from you lovely people. Has anyone ever been referred to a rheumatoligist? and if yes what takes place at the appointment?
My doctor did loads of tests because of my shoulder and leg pains and has referred me to one of these rheumebobbies and of course me health anxiety is going crackers and the appointment is not until 22nd September :doh: Any advice would be greatly appreciated :yesyes: xxx

14-08-08, 15:02
That's the problem with Craggy Island, not enough GP's ;)

No idea lass, but I hope you are well soon (well physically, lets face it, mentally there is no hope for you).

Jaco xx

14-08-08, 15:07
Jaco :roflmao: I must admit I hate agreeing with the male species on this planet but I defo do agree with you about the mental bit of it :yahoo:

P.S. :whiplash: take that fer yer cheek :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx

14-08-08, 22:30
I will give you a laugh here and hope proceedures have changed since I saw a rheumatologist about 15 yrs ago! He was an older man and I was in my 20's and he told me to take all my clothes off down to my bra and pants_ I was overweight and very embarrassed. He then asked me to stand in front of him with my back to him, very thankful of this so I didn't have to look him in the face and then he asked me to walk to far end of a long room and bend forward and touch my toes!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a nurse present.My imagination went into overdrive at the sight that must have met the dr and nurse when I bent my large posterior over and touched my toes. I then had to walk back to him and he pressed all my trigger points on my body for fibro.

I was trying not to laugh at the thought that this man spent all his days looking at large ladies bending over _ I was then waypast even being embarrassed. I thought he could make a fortune in blackmail if he had had a camera. He was very serious though and I daren't suggest it.

I am sure this does not happen now but if you are asked to strip off just remember my experience and have a chuckle and it won't be half as bad.

Cathy V
14-08-08, 23:37
Hi Mandy. A rheumatologist is a doc who looks at your joints, soft tissue and connecting tissues. He will rule out arthritis etc. ive never been examined by one so dont know whats involved, but i cant see that it will be too bad, its not as invasive as some examinations lets put it that way :D

Hope this helps
Cathy xxx

Cathy V
14-08-08, 23:39
....and i an only think that the chap who examined country girl was looking for signs of spine or pelvic abnormalities? :) xxx

14-08-08, 23:45
Lol Countrygirl and Cathy :hugs: Countrygirl I so hope the specialist doesnt make me parade in front of him cos if he does I'm sooo gonna think of you hun :doh: Thank You both for your helpful replies :hugs: :hugs: xxxx

16-08-08, 06:19
I'm waiting for an appointment with a rheumatologist too, never seen one myself, but as I'm a radiographer and work in a hospital, I know more or less what will happen. He will do lots of talking, ask you lots of questions. May send you for some blood tests and x rays, may arrange for other tests which take too long to do at the first appointment. He may ask you to do various movements, so he can see how your joints work, but I don't suppose it will be with your clothes off-if you have to undress, you will be given a gown to wear-time moves on!! Don't get too stressed about it, he won't be an ogre and it's nothing like some of the other things that happen at the hospital.