View Full Version : Help!

14-08-08, 14:55

I'm a 41 year old mother of 6 whose absolutely fed-up of panic attacks! I don't know where to begin my story.

I'll start from now and work backwards - does that make sense? Two whopping panic attacks today, how close I've come to phoning for an ambulance! I don't sleep at night as I wake up with palpitations that I can't control. So I spend all day exhausted. Been seeing my gps (rarely the same one twice although I'm determined to stick with the one I have now!) and on Monday was given a course of Sertrazine (?) and this is day two of them. No side affects but the palpitations haven't gone either.

My hubby says I live at def con 1 all the time. I can't see an end to this. There's much more to my story as you can imagine but I won't bore you with the details.

Thanks for listening.


14-08-08, 15:08
You have come to the right place. You are not alone. I hope this site helps you as much as it helps me. Take care!

14-08-08, 15:15
Hi Yvonne

Welcome to the site. Living at DEF CON 1 isnt helping your anxiety issues. Maybe that is the driving force that is starting your panic attacks or is it Generalised anxiety disorder. Either will up your adrenaline levels and be responsible for the anxiety attacks and palpitations. The main thing with panic attacks is not to fear them and there are techniques that you have to practice to control them. But the main thing for now is to get off DEF COM 1 as if you dont do that then you will never stop the anxiety cycle that is engulfing you right now. Dont fight the anxiety at the moment and for now just try and relax and see if the medication will help as well.
All the best

14-08-08, 15:41
Thank you everyone for you kind words. I've visited the site a few times in the past just to read the advice and remember that I'm not the only one. But after today's shenanigans I thought I'd take the plunge.

I will be a regular from now on. This is the calmest I've felt for ages. Thank you. :hugs:

14-08-08, 17:48
Hi Yvonne

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

14-08-08, 17:51
Hi Ymp - just wanted to say hi and welcome from a fellow scotty - well honorary one as i been here 7 yrs! You are not alone and im also on DEF COM 1 all the time !

milly jones
14-08-08, 20:03
hi yvonne

welcome to nmp hun

love milly xx

14-08-08, 20:37
Hiya hun :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. We would never be bored with the detail hun so if you want to write it down thats just fine. some times it can realy help to get things out and get feed back from it. keep posting and we will help as much as we can

take care


14-08-08, 22:34
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

:welcome: to the site.

You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you



15-08-08, 00:01

:welcome: to the site

love mandie x

15-08-08, 14:20
Hello Yvonne And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

15-08-08, 16:02
Hi Yvonne,

Welcome to NMP. Many here understand how you are feeling and you will get support. Glad you are here.

Take care,


15-08-08, 21:13
Hi Yvonne

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

17-08-08, 20:59
Hi Yvonne

Welcome to nmp. I'm new here myself, but I already feel better knowing that there is so much support here.
I guess for you (I'm assuming here) it is difficult to take 5 mins out to deal with a pani attack. With 6 children you are probably busy, tired, stressed all the time. Would your hubby be able to hold the fort while you grab half an hour for youself each day? That way, at least even when a panic attack takes hold, you can know that at some point, you can do what you need to do to unwind - nice bath, candles, walk, scream into a pillow, sit and stare at the walls - you get the picture. Do you have certain triggers? I know that for me, just the thought of supermarket shopping brings me out in a mild panic, so I internet shop, or go in the middle of the night. Sorry if I'm spouting obvious things - but sometimes they don't appear so obvious when you are in the middle of them.
As for the medication, I would stick with it, most of them take about a week to 'kick in', and you may feel worse to start with, but all of a sudden you'll realise you feel a little calmer.
Remember - you're not crazy, and you're not alone.
Take care,
Much love

18-08-08, 00:01
Hi and a big welcome Im sure you will soon feel at home,write all you want , no one will be bored and Im sure it will help you,take care,xxx

18-08-08, 04:58
What is def con 1?

I have crazy heart palps that cause a pa. My doctor finally prescribed me a beta blocker to use as needed. It has worked WONDERS for the palps. I had a pool party yesterday and started having palps as I was cooking which of course turned into a full blown pa. My husband gave me one of the pills which subsided the palps and then I was fine.

18-08-08, 06:32
i hope you feel better soon, it will get better