View Full Version : Come fly with me

14-08-08, 15:08
Does anyone know if there is a specific phobia to do with going on vacation?

I tend to suffer less anxiety than I used to, apart from the odd work stress but no big deal. But when it comes to going on holiday, my anxiety goes through the stratosphere.

I can never quite understand why, and I can never seem to break it down to what it is that exactly stresses me about it. Holidays are about relaxing right?

I travel easy enough for work etc, I am no big fan of enclosed spaces and crowds so planes get to me a little, but in general, going on holiday causes me high anxiety and even panic attacks.

Any bright cookies out there know why? There is a Scooby snack in it for a right answer ;)


14-08-08, 15:15
I'll tell you what I'll sort for you Jaco saying yer a fab bloke :whistles:

I will get me private copter to take off from Craggy Island soonest and I will give you some private lessons to take away your holiday fear :yesyes: the only problem is by the time I finish with ye your gonna end up scarred for life both physically AND mentally :roflmao: xxxx

Pink Panic
14-08-08, 15:44
Hiya Jaco,

My Mum suffers from this.
In all other aspects of her life she can do all the other "normal" things but ask her to go on holiday and it's a big NO, NO. I can remember her being like this even when i was little but i think back then she forced herself to go for my sake and now my Dad just doesn't ask her anymore as it's such a big deal and they just tend to go for days out and always return home in the evening.

I rememeber speaking to a guy i used to work with and his wife was exactly the same.

I don't have the answer as to why this happens but i'd be interested in the answer too.

14-08-08, 16:06

from what i was told a long time ago its holiday syndrome, i get it, i start getting ill the longer i am away, by the time i've done two weeks i'm as sick as anything, so whats the point of going away, i learned to just do weekends away thats enough for me.

di xx

14-08-08, 16:46

I so get this, in fact i am going to V festival tmrw and have had horrendous tonsillitis since Tuesday-must be the stress...I can also recall last time i went away for a weekend i got a bad migraine the night before and was so ill while i was away. Ha crazy....very odd!

Nicola x

14-08-08, 20:34
Hiya Jaco
Yep i get this problem too, not funny cause we have a caravan 95 miles away from home, im ok if its just a weekend away but any longer thats it my panic starts and my breathing problems come with a vengance, one thing i did do last week when i was away was to download a load of relaxation things on my i pod, i did find that this helped me a bit and i also bought myself a nintendo ds this helps take your mind off anx and panic give em a try they might help you
All the best POLLY

14-08-08, 23:32
Hi, Joco, :D:hugs:

It is great to hear you have moved forward with your recovery hun, thats GREAT NEWS, be pround of yourself, you will sort this one out too, with time hun, :hugs:somethings take alot more time than others, its all part of recovery.

Have your really looked into your situatation when going on hols? there could be a milliion and one reasons why this happens AND I MEAN, a million and one, meaning, it could steam, NOT from one reason, but from a few things. You have to really pick away at your brain to find them.

So hear goes, I will list a few queestion, I HAD to ask myself,

Do, I fear, flying,

Does this only happen on holidays when I only fly, or is it all holidays

Do I feel confortable with the people I am going with.

Could it be I feel unsafe, going away from home.

could it be that I am thinking of the people I am leaving behind

Could it be I have a problem with my relationship with hubby

could it be I feel stressed trying to keep the kids happy while on hols

There were lots more things I had to pick away at, BUT, the most important thing I found for myself was, THE aotomatic, response. what do I mean by this, well

I had my first pa, boarding a plane and a weeks holiday in fear. I new that some of the above and other things, I needed to address and did address, over time, but turning this auto off towards holidays, was blinkin hard. It seemed that evertime I went on hols it reminded me of my truma ( PANIC ) I NEVER stopped going on hols, IN THIS country, anx, panic, came with me, but I would not fly, even though, I new, I was not scared of flying. I have worked dame hard on this for along time, going abroad and flying, doing it myself, expsure therapy. NOT boarding a plane though for the first 2 years and another while before shutting this auto off, from panic, anx, was this year, yee haaa go me LOL and having a hol, with no anx or panic.

So, for me, holidays anx and panic, was a mixture of, me having low self asteam and lacked confidance, needed to address things, family matters, but the PANIC on holidays AND in all places I had pa's, was an automatic response, not knowing and understanding that anxiety, DOES NOT always lead to panic, fear of fear and fear of panic, I know that now, my mind knows that.

Could it be, that you have had probs on hols before, you then not knowing it, anticapate problems on hols, hence the anx, the anx start, you feel, ohhhhh what if this, what if that, I know when these thoughts start and the anx is high it is dame hard to swish your thoughts to more positive reasuring one's, but could it be possible, when this happens you fear PANIC, hence, PANIC.

It is well known that people will label, times, places, to there panic or higher levels of anxiety, then becuase you do this, you programme in your mind that this IS the time and the place it is going to happen, so, it does, switching this off is not easy, it takes alot of hard work and time, even going to a therapisit, eg CBT.

If you have picked away at your anx, and you can see nooo other problems you have, none at all, then it maybe, the auto, response. You have programmed you mind, that this is the place were it will happen, what do you think?

If this is the case then you have to work DAME hard to fix this, this response can be switched off, but its blinkin hard work. You need to try and help yourself change the way you think of holidays. Look to more positive self reasuring things, why you go, try dame hard to think of all the good things about hols, You have to want to go, if you suffer anx or panic, we tend to think we don't really want to to this, when we think this, the auto kicks in, so, or we tend to do hols cos the family want to go, you HAVE TO go for yourself, not for anyone else, sod the anx, sod the panic, they can come to, as long as they sit in silance. You have to eccept, that they may come to, BUT DO NOT expect them to be there, ( hope that makes sense)

These are only my thoughts hun, if you pick away at your problem, YOU WILL find a reason, but I know dame well, that finding it is dame hard.

I wish you well with this hun, but PLEASE, see this problem solved, see yourself on holiday, without anx, panic, DON,T label this as forever. kEEP telling yourself this is all part of recovery AND I WILL sort it, with time.



Cathy V
14-08-08, 23:49
Hi Jaco, i know that you posted with the same problem back in june so just wanted to say sorry that this is still stressful for you. I can only refer to the answer i posted back then and hope that with a bit more time you will cope better with these holiday fears.

Take care
Cathy xxx

15-08-08, 00:14
Going on vacation? VACATION! You yank lol
But seriously......... is it just too out of your comfort zone jaco? Why is that? I agree with Jill , you have to figure out the root causes although mandy's offer of a private helicopter almost sounded good for a mo there lol

Sorry I can't help I struggle to get on a plane myself big time havent done so for almost two years and it was 4 years before that the last time i was on one. I just console myself with thinking of saving the planet lol

Let us know if you arrive at any conclusions

Pooh xxxx

pink daisy
16-08-08, 10:55
Jaco.. Maybe its the unknown and leaving your whole home comforts a while. But I think its cos you will miss our chats.. ;-) But I will be here when you get back hun!! And if you would like to talk o a farmers wife u know my number.. lol Have a great time jaco xx

16-08-08, 11:28
I get this all the time whenever anyone mentions about going away.

I dont like flying for a start which doesn't help the situation, but even when we go away up to yorkshire for a weekend, i end up feeling ill. Anxiety starts to creep in then my IBS starts going 10 to the dozen. To be honest with you im fedup with it all.

I keep wishing I could feel normal again, but i seem to have forgotten what normal is.

Roll on christmas:yesyes: lol
