View Full Version : Pain in chest, pleurisy?

14-08-08, 16:46
God im sorry to post again, something every day with me lately.

I have had a cough for 2 weeks, had it checked Tuesday, was told chest was clear. Today I was coughing alot this morning and now I have a pain in my left boob area when I cough, I had the pain in the same place last year when I had bronchitis and my GP said it was just a pulled muscle from coughing too hard.

I have been coughing alot the last 24 hours or so so maybe its that but im paranoid it could be pleurisy but doesn't that have much worse symptoms?

Why do coughs hang around so long? I have had this about 17 days now and its showing no signs of going???

14-08-08, 17:05
I am sure its a pulled muscle for all the coughing, its easily done and sometimes the stomach gets pulled too.
Easy to worry though I know because I am bad enough!

14-08-08, 17:24
I have been coughing really hard the last 24 hours, I am jsut petrified I will end up with bronchitis or pleurisy and be as ill as last year. I had my cough 3 weeks last year before it ended up causing bronchitis so as the days go on and I get no better I worry more esp now ive this pain on coughing.

My husband has said the pain would be constant and alot worse but what does he know, haha!

14-08-08, 17:43
Pleurisy would be a very VERY sharp pain when you breathed in. I should imagine it is just a strained muscle from coughing so much, I strained my diaphragm last time I had a cough!

14-08-08, 18:21
Hi Libby

Does sound like you may have pulled a muscle coughing, if the doctor checked it out on Tuesday then I doubt if it is anything to worry about. I hope your cough gets better soon.


14-08-08, 18:32
Pleurisy Libby is in your pleural cavity area of your lung so across and round your back-bottom of your lungs.

Don't worry honey, with pleurisy you usually get a lot of blood in your phlegm too when you cough xxx

14-08-08, 19:55

Oh so the pain would be low down and in my back then. This is just in my chest area, exactly where I had it last year when I was coughing for britain with Bronchitis. I think I coughed for 10 weeks or more with that.

I just wish it would go!

30-08-08, 13:34
I had pluracy a few years ago. Felt like I had been hit with a baseball bat in the side of my ribs. I had no blood when I coughed just bloody painfull when I breathed in. In absolute worse case you have it, doc will give you some anti biotics that's all. Sounds like a strain.

30-08-08, 15:10
Thanks, it was a strain afterall.

30-08-08, 16:41
Hope you are feeling a lot better now, I had pleurisy couple of years ago, the pain was more in my back than in my chest, every time I breathed in it killed me, back pain was awful.

Look after yourself


31-08-08, 01:44
Hi libby, ive had a cough for 2 weeks now nearly, just been given inhalers which are helping a bit, ive pulled lots of muscles in the past when I have a cough, im prone to chest infections, have been all my life since pneumonia as a baby, ive had the pulled muscle inmy chest so bad it hurts to breathe, stand up or sit down lie down etc, I think this is what you have done hun so try not to worry :hugs: at the moment my ribs and both lower sides hurt, I know its from coughing as every time I do they hurt more.