View Full Version : Have i had panic attacks??

09-05-05, 20:53
I have always wondered whether i have actually had panic attacks, i never breathe really fast when having an attack and never need a paper bag or anything!

These are the symptoms i have had when having a panic attack:-

Feeling like i have to run out of the house and cannot sit still.
thumping heart.
faintness and feeling very weak like im going to collapse.
Feeling like nothing is real and like i am watching myself.

Comments would be much appreciated, thanks!

09-05-05, 21:04
This sounds very much like panic attacks to me. Some people don't have the 'classic' symptoms like fast breathing, etc. Have you been to a doctor about it at all?

Sarah :D

09-05-05, 21:08
Hi there,
The symptoms you describe do sound as if they are related to panic/anxiety, as Sarah said, have you been to a gp just to be re-assured? keep in touch.

09-05-05, 21:08
It sounds more like an anxiety attack to me. If you suffer full blown panic attacks you wouldn't forget it!


09-05-05, 21:20
Hi Andrew

Yeah I have felt that way many times ! This is pretty much how I feel when I panic but have also a conviction that I am going to die.
I know how uncomfortable these can be, but , they can't harm you.
You're not alone with these feelings and we're here to support.
Take care.

** Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.**

09-05-05, 21:23
I went to the docs just after it started happening and i had 2 lots of blood tests done within the space of 3 months and they were all clear, had 2 stool samples and 2 urine tests done and also an ECG but everything came back fine and clear nothing abnormal.

Been taking Cipralex for about 8 months now they have helped abit but still feeling bad hoping one day in the future i will feel alot better!

09-05-05, 21:44

Unfortunately, you have to really work at feeling better, it doesn't often just happen unless your personal circumstances change dramatically which changes your outlook on everything.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

09-05-05, 21:51
Hi Andrew

Sounds very much like anxiety to me. But you have had test and being given a clean bill of health. Like Meg says it takes hard work and if circumstances dont change it is harder to beat it.

Dig deep on this one mate and see if you can relate to why it started or any underlying problems, then the hard work starts of working through them.

Here to help you all the way.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.