View Full Version : Unwelcome thoughts.

Malton Seadog
14-08-08, 19:07
Hi guys,

How many of you ever get the unwelcome and obstrusive thoughts during an attack or even inbetween?

Sometimes I'm so so positive, but sometimes thoughts creep into my head that are uncomfortable and they do scare me slightly.

It's mainly stuff like "What if I never get better?", "Where am I and who am I?", "What's the meaning of life, why am I here?"...

Some quite deep stuff but also some daft stuff like if I've got a sore leg, I'll think "Have I got a blood clot?".

Panic eh? Don't we just love it! :blush:

14-08-08, 19:33
Ive had these thoughts since I was a kid. I remember being about 5 or 6 and sitting in the garden in the evening and worrying about the future, how I would cope if my mum died, what will I do when I grow up, why am I here???
Then I had my first panic attack when I was 12. Im now 29 (on thurs) and I still feel the same. I have had a couple of years respite now and again but the feelings always return.
I still cannot accept that this is how I am and Im still waiting for the MIRACLE cure.
I guess I will always be like this and the more I dont accept it, the worse I get.....

14-08-08, 20:11
Hi Malton Seadog

I certainly get these thoughts and the only way to stop there power is through distraction. Your Brain has no sense of time so thoughts that conjuer up past or future traumatic events will start off the fight and flight response. So live in the moment and try and distract your thoughts with relaxing images when these obtrusive thoughts appear.

All the best

14-08-08, 20:21
Hi Malton Seadog

It's mainly stuff like "What if I never get better?", "Where am I and who am I?", "What's the meaning of life, why am I here?"...

I think everyone gets the above thoughts at some time in their life. I was 19 when I started thinking about it. And for many years I did try to find the meaning of life. But I eventually came to the conclusion that there are only two things that are important in life, and that is health and happiness.
However, suddenly becoming aware of your existence can sometimes be scary. Normally we just take life for granted and don't question what it's all about, then suddenly we are faced with things we can't answer. I dare say when robots get clever enough they too will ask the same questions.


nic x
14-08-08, 20:24
hi malton seadog,

yer, i to get thoughts, sometimes i can just pass them by as a thought or sometimes they really scare me!! and starts of a panic, i distract myself by tidying up or cumin on here, they do pass, and thats wat u have to remember

take care nic x

Malton Seadog
14-08-08, 20:55
Thanks guys - really appreciate your help.

It's so good to know that I'm not alone!