View Full Version : Hi, anyone need a hug !?

I'm gonna do it !
14-08-08, 19:52
Hi Everyone on here,

Just spent the last 2 hours reading a lot of these threads. So glad I found this site...hmmm....In the anxiety/panic/depression room you think it's just you...gets kind of lonely hey. Hope I'm on the good road then because I admit that now. Been cutting myself off from society for a good while....ye, you know the drill so I won't drone on about what goes on in my crazy little mind.
Just be really good to find some buddies in the same boat, and ye offer lot's of support and friendship back....and oh yes, endless hugs.

Yep, I finally admit I'm not kinda well. But am gonna fight this bad boy...

Anyone else want to play ?.....eh, note.....starting some new meds tomorrow so my "positive" tone may dip !!!!......Nasty side effects too boot etc But hopefully someone can offer a hand cos as sure as hell my hand and heart is there for anyone that needs support, an ear or a mate.

Take Care guys. We will get there. Big Hug.

Lou xxx

14-08-08, 23:23
I'm in for hugs!
I've been a victim of depression for longer than I've had a panic disorder, I used to cut but now I'm terrified of blood hehe ^^
I'm more than willing to help you along the road! I take Zoloft for both my anxiety and depression at the same time...I don't get any side effects at all really. Whenever I try to stop taking it I don't notice that my mood falls until I find myself getting terribly depressed and angry at everyone hehehe.

PM me if you ever need to talk outside of the forums! :noangel:

15-08-08, 01:35
Someone offering free hugs??? wow! :cloud9: I'll join the queue!:bighug1:

15-08-08, 06:07
Hugs back ya'll
I'm new here not really sure if I'm doing this right. I just left another anxiety site because wayyyy too much drama and no support. they were using it more for friendship than help. I want to conquer my anxiety and panic disorder so I came across this site which seems good so far. I don't know how to post my own forum yet sorry for threading but i wish yall good luck on your journey to no or less anxiety. hugs bostonbuttafly

15-08-08, 12:29
yay! i'll play!!! :hugs: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :hugs:

Hopefully we can all beat this monster!!

28-08-08, 16:13
I'm a new member and I could do with a hug.
I have suffered from claustrophobia for many years which has gradually got worse over the last 12 months.
I'm wondering whether this has got anything to do with My 17 year old son being diagnosed with depression at roughly the same time. He has been having CBT, but his counsellor has now referred him to a psychiatrist for assessment. He self harms and I find this incredibly difficult to deal with. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


funky chick
28-08-08, 16:30
Sending you hugs Freddie welcome to nmp im sure you will find lots of help on here love Gail xx:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

28-08-08, 17:08
Thank you,


28-08-08, 19:31
here ya go Freddie a few hugs for ya

:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

Hope 2
28-08-08, 20:31
Hi Freddie

Glad you found here, cos you can always get support and a shoulder. Sounds like you have had some tough times of it, I hope we can help you.

Keep Well
Gimme a shout anytime
Oh and :bighug1: xx
Hope xx

28-08-08, 21:05
Hiya ...Big bIg hugs 2 you all xx

28-08-08, 21:29
I am sorry to hear about your Son but sounds like he is getting the help he needs to get through this horrible time. I suffer from Anxiety and it is very hard for people to understand how disabling it is so I do understand but at least your not on your own with this take care.x

29-08-08, 03:54
Hello Freddie:hugs: ,

I went through a very bad spell where I used to self harm but I learnt how to stop. I kept my self harming secret from both my parents as I felt too ashamed.

I think people self harm because they are in emotional distress so they use self harming as a release. Self harming releases a chemical in the mind which makes a sufferer "feel better" about themselves but the effect doesn't last which is why they keep going back to it.

I feel there is a misconception that sufferers self harm for attention but I feel in most cases sufferers self harm to release emotional pain and are very embarrassed about their behaviour so they try to hide it. Often they also purely hate themselves because they have such low self esteem.

There is always a reason behind it though because it means the sufferer is experiencing extreme stress due to a particular reason which means that once the reasons are addressed, the sufferer can then learn better ways of coping so I'm Sure in time he will get better.

I can understand how heartbreaking this must be for you so if you think I can help you, you'd be very welcome to talk to me.:hugs:

29-08-08, 12:32
aww i wish you luck, and hope you keep the positivity! that's one of my biggest challenges too!

we're all in this boat, but things can get better and (CHEESY POST ALERT!) it's not that bad a boat so long as we're all together in it! hehe ^_^