View Full Version : Who do i trust??

14-08-08, 20:13
Hi there,i havent been on for a while as tbh i have been doing really well tackling my anxiety and everything(even been doing bike rides alone and away from home,woo hoo)
Anyway about 7 yrs ago i got a really bad cold,developed ear infections,Problems with my eustachian tube(the tube which connects nose and ears)and sinusitis,saw a ent and he misdiangnosed me,after about 6 yrs paid privatly got correct diagnsis,needed op...
Anyways as i sai i been doing well,till couple of weeks ago i got a ear infection(now have BIG issues in this area do to above),1 doc said middle ear infection,put me on antibiotics,didnt feel much better so saw 1 of my own locum docs(seen her 3 times before this)she said No,it was infected ear drum and no fluid behind my ear drum,this was on monday,and if i dont feel better by weds go back,so i did and this time differeant doctor(never seen him before) says "Probably" fluid in my ear..
Sorry if this isnt making any sense but i am sick and tired of getting different versions of things with doctors,and which doc do i trust??I just wish i had more faith in them.

Venus Calling
14-08-08, 20:40
I know ear infections are painful as I used to get them quite a lot when I was younger but if you have been put on antibiotics that would have killed any infection - it's probably just very sore and may take a little while for the inflamation to go down inside the ear.

All doctors diagnose in different ways - it's best not to flit between too many for this reason.

14-08-08, 22:03
Hi hun

The thing with ear infections is that in most cases they are viral. My GP and other GP's I have seen have told me that we are the only country in Europe that actually give anti bs for ear infections so they are clamping down on the number they do prescribe.

My son and daughter are prone to them and mostly they are left to settle on their own because with the majority being viral anti bs won't actually do anything at all.

My husband had an ear infection for 2 weeks, he didn' t have anti bs, GP said he didn't need them and it would settle and it did.

I know its worry when you see different GP's, the best thing to do is stick with your own. I always see my regular GP, lately ive found it hard to get to see him as he is usually booked up but with me having this cough again ive been paranoid about getting bronchitis again so ive seen any GP who can see me, big mistake;-)

Try book in with your own next week hun, its better to wait and get to see one you trust.
