View Full Version : Am i mad???

15-08-08, 00:46
Hey everyone.:)
All my friends think im going mad!
it all started a couple of months ago, i was hungover watching 'dragons den' with my brother when i started shaking and bursting into tears...when my brother asked what was wrong i had no answer! all of a sudden i totaly lost my breath and fell to the floor screaming and shaking i felt like i was dying! my brother phoned an ambulance and when the paramedic came and told me ''its okay your JUST having a panic attack'' I felt like slapping him!!
anyway i wanted to go to the hospital just to make sure... i was fine a bit later but felt so self contious going to work and being in public. i was scared i had another one!
my friends have noticed that my self cofidence has soared i dont understand how im feeling! (i used to be really bubbly and make people laugh all the time)
my doctor gave me beta blockers which help slow your heart rate but they made me feel really low..
its annoying because im only 19 & i feel as if im getting old and grumpy!
luckly iv learned how to cotrol my panic attacks but it doesnt stop them coming! i feel as if there is noone to talk to... thats why im here :yesyes:

i just feel as if im going mad sometimes...
anyway ill stop prattling on now,
feel free to leave a comment...(please do lol)

cheers, Lisa xxx

15-08-08, 00:50

where you going through any sort of stress leading up to the panic attack

15-08-08, 00:53
yehh but it was like 2 years before!
thats what annoys me
both my parents got cancer around the same time, then my grandad died..
pretty rubbish i know..
but i didnt seem to react at the time, thats why when i say thats what caused it people are like'' that was ages ago''
iv blocked alot of it out too...

15-08-08, 00:59

Sometimes it takes years for us ot release our feelings and we do bury them and everyone reacts different to events in their life. your folks illness and your grandads death and maybe other things over that time are now come to the surface. Speak to your docotor about seeing a counsellor and this may help you cope



15-08-08, 01:01
my friends mum said i might have depression?
i think that is a bit extreme!
i also heard depression is hireditary?
is that true??

15-08-08, 02:43
Hi Lisa,

Just because things happened "ages ago" doesn't mean it can't affect us in the present. You had a lot to cope with in a very short space of time it was bound to have an effect. You had so much to cope with at the time you were too busy coping to address your own emotions and feelings at that time. I have to agree with kev that counselling would be very helpful for you.

Thinking of you


15-08-08, 02:45
Thanks Lynnann! :yesyes: xx

15-08-08, 03:30
You are more than welcome Lisa,

Have you spoken to your GP about your concerns? They could put your mind at rest over any hireditary conditions and they can arrange counselling. Although to be honest I think it more likely that it is more a grief reaction that has manifested than anything else; seek professional help rather than your friend's mums' opinion.

Hugs to you


16-08-08, 01:02
Hi there :)

Your are not going mad at all.
Unfortunately you seem to have developed some anxiety problems, but you should know that you are not alone, as about every fifth person around you have them as well. Some of us seems to struggle with anxiety a bit more than others, but please realize that anxiety problems are extremely common.

Most people believe they are going insane or dying from some horrible disease when they are new to anxiety, but as time goes on, one usually start to realize that there is nothing wrong with you physically (there never are), even though most of us gets a bit scared from time to time even when we have had anxiety problems for years.

Anxiety is uncomfortable, but it is never dangerous. There is not a single person in the whole world who ever died from anxiety :) .

I'm sure your doctor have done what he should have done when he prescribed betablockers, but you should talk to him about the sideeffects you experience. Often medications like SSRIs will be another option, as they normally don't make you feel drowsy.

Beeing so young, I would also try setting up an appointment with a therapist. Your doctor could probably make that happen for you. You have your whole life in front of you, and should talk to someone who can pinpoint what is causing your anxiety, so that you get some advice on how to avoid the things that trigger your anxiety as best you can in the future.

Depression and anxiety are closely linked to eachother, the one can cause the other for example. If your doctor prescribed betablockers only, it is not likely that you suffer from depression, as betablockers are not intended to treat depression - instead they treat some of the anxiety symptoms. There is a known genetic component in both anxiety and depresion, but usuaually this component alone will not be enough to develop anxiety or depression. It is first when you have a genetic disposition alongside with other components, like f.ex stress, that you develop problems. There is nothing to do with ones genetics, but there is a lot to be done about other things in your life triggering your problems.

16-08-08, 16:51
thanks Mikke!
your so clever! lol