View Full Version : Spotting after sex - ladies only I think!

15-08-08, 07:32
I am 51 and recently been having some irregular bleeding, went to my GP and he is certain I am peri menopausal but referred me for a pelvic scan. I had that done a couple of days ago and everything was fine. I do have a couple of tiny fibroids in my womb but they are not at all concerned about them. Well as the spotting had finally stopped my husband and I had sex last night (sorry if this is too much information) and afterwards when I wiped there was a spot of blood on the loo paper, sorry this next bit is even more explicit, the semen that came out afterwards didn't have any red tinges, the red showed after that. I haven't had any show since then. I have to admit I was a bit anxious about having sex because of the spotting I had been having and I did feel a little dry if you know what I mean. I also had my cervix examined by a nurse just a couple of weeks ago and she said it looked fine. Do you think this is maybe due to the change in my body due to the fact that I am propably peri menopausal? Having just had my mind put at ease from the result of the scan I am now getting really anxious again.

15-08-08, 09:20
I had sex last night (sorry if this is too much information) and afterwards when I wiped there was a spot of blood on the loo paper, sorry this next bit is even more explicit,

This happens to me too :blush: I believe it's when the tissue gets bruised or slightly torn and nothing to worry about. Vaginal dryness is a big cause to this so perhaps it would be a good idea to keep a tube of KY Jelly by the bed? One of the symptoms of peri-menopausal is vaginal dryness. I would be happy that the scans were clear :yesyes:

15-08-08, 09:26
I also had this recently, i have recently been diagnosed with being menopausal so i am thinking it has something to do with that as i felt quite sore down below.
Have not had any spotting since but its always a worry when you see blood that shouldnt be there.
I am just keeping an eye on things, but dont think it is anything to worry about as i am not getting any other symptoms and it has not got worse.


Rachey poos
15-08-08, 15:00
i had a time when this happened and it scared me to have sex but when it came down to it i think we were just being a little too wild!!!! (tmi) SORRY!!! but its true...i think the bruising etc plays a big part! x

15-08-08, 18:26
it sound pretty common and normal,

miss diagnosis
26-08-08, 14:13
really glad you posted this cos this has been happening to me for a while too. not near menopause though,
think was caused by dryness.KY jelly usually helps.

is it a concern if its only a tiny amount of blood?

26-08-08, 15:37

Hello love, i also get this on occasions and have been to get it checked. I believe it can be caused by rough sex, having a small anatomy and for the menopausal woman vaginal dryness. I think maybe the use of a lubricant will help but dint worry honey its very normal for ladies.
