View Full Version : why do i feel this way please please read

15-08-08, 08:51
hi everyone , i am so upset with myself i have had a really good few weeks, and guess what it has come back again my ha seems like it will never go away, i had a busy day yesterday doing peoples hair and am feeling quite tired, and my symptoms have come back again.

i get this horrible feeling like i am gonna drop down dead any second, and the feeling that everything seems so unreal like im not here i know these are all anx symptoms but is scaring me so much i just had to type them and get some help from you guys.

i am on 30 mg of paraoxatine and i am sure i need to up my dose why does it keep comming back the weak feeling i get all over my body like my brain isnt working properly, it is like i test my self to make my arms and legs move properly i am not sure if i am making much sense really it is so hard to explain i have had a really wierd head like erm a bit like pins and needles ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why cant i feel good all the time and why do i bet myself up when i am having a bad day.

i have managed to sort myself out before but i feel like i am going backwards again and am so scared as i dont want to feel like i did back then

thankyou for taking the tim to read my post sorry if it dosent make any sense xxxxxxxxxxxx

15-08-08, 12:11
Hello Hello

the process of getting better always peaks and troughs so it is perfectly normal to go a few weeks feeling great and then have a bit of a set back especially with medication. S well as taking meds you also have to be putting in place other coping mechanisms, for example deep breathing exercises. We all ahve our little blips on the road to recovery.

TAke care

Pooh xx

15-08-08, 19:07
thanks pooh for your reply, i am such a mess today now i keep getting sharp pains down my left side of my arm ouch i am soo scared

15-08-08, 20:50
Hi berkshiregirl,
Try to keep remembering that you were better before and reasure yourself that this set back is only temprary.It will pass even though it is horrible just now keep being positive. This anx/panic causes so many symptoms that it's so hard to focus at times,,,you said yourself you know the symtoms are related to your anxiety so try not to let the fear/andrenalin/fear cycle start up and keep your symptoms going.Practice all the stuff you learned before and you will return to normal.For me it's been a journey of trial and error,good days bad days.good weeks bad weeks etc .What I have found a tremendous help is books on this subject especially books on positive thinking.

15-08-08, 20:58
thankyou so much thankyou, it is a bloody rollacoaster ride hope yuo are well xx

15-08-08, 21:01
Oh I wish I could just take it away for you. I wish when I am feeling like that, someone can just take it away. I feel so bad for you, because I know exactly how it feels....Try to calm yourself down my dear....remind yourself that these are just symptoms you are feeling...and that there is nothing really wrong. You are feeling these symptoms and they are upseting you, but you can choose whether to let them frighten you, or just be symptoms. Remind yourself of how strong you are, and how you cope with most things most days. You have been doing so well....remind yourself of that. And tell yourself that you are on a journey, learning how to be healthier.. A setback is not something to feel bad about. You are just learning. Every day...good or bad...you are still learning how to live with this anxiety. You are doing a great job, and things will get better.
You have all of us too. Keep talking to us.
Take care my dear.

15-08-08, 21:05
thankyou katie somuch i have just posted again about my head, i am really freaking out today, i have been so strong recently and had no symptoms is definalty worse when i am feeling down on myself.

am so lucky to have lovely people like you to talk to thankyou xxx

15-08-08, 21:44
I can relate so much with how you are feeling. I was doing really well. I have been off for the summer, as I am a teacher, and have had too much time to think. I have very similar symptoms that you do. If you ever want to talk PM me anytime.
Take care.