View Full Version : On my second Dr Claire Weekes Book

Veronica H
15-08-08, 09:45
Hi Everyone

I am still reading the brilliant Dr Claire Weekes. Available through NMP on the Amazon link.This book is 'Essential Help for Your Nerves' but I would recommend reading 'Self Help For Your Nerves' first especially if you have arrived at this site bewildered having had your first or second panic attack.I am not saying dealing with panic and anxiety is easy, but it is very comforting to know that there is a set trajectory to this like any other illness and that we can and will recover in time.

I thought you might like this quote - 'Although those first steps may seem weak and faltering, they hold the same indomitable strength that has carried us all through millions of years of our evolutionary struggle. We all have this strength, this power, within us, and it will work miracles if we trust it to help us learn to walk and live with fear, so that we can eventually walk and live without fear'.....yes I know it sounds like Winston Churchill... but I promise you that it is all good stuff!
Take Care All
Veronica H

15-08-08, 10:39
Hi Veronica, Couldn't agree with you more. I have had this book for a few years now and is it getting tatty from overuse !. She is comforting, encouraging, practical and just well brilliant. Her way to recover is not easy at all it takes time and guts but I do believe it is a better way than taking an anti depressant which give you side effects and once you stop taking them the panic attacks /anxiety tends to come back. Glad you are getting help from the book like I do.

take care Z x

15-08-08, 22:30
Really sorry, I think Im blind. Im trying to find the amazon link on here but I cant seem to see it! I am very interested in looking at the book. If someone could point me in the right direction they will be forever on my christmas card list :)

15-08-08, 22:38
Steve - under the welcome forum


I await my card with anticipation :winks:

I also sell them in the online shop - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop)

One is out of stock but I can get some more if they sell ok

15-08-08, 22:47
hi steveo

just go into the nmp shop and you will find it there. thats where i found my books

happy hunting!

Julie :)

15-08-08, 23:29
Cards on the way to both you lovely ladies :D

16-08-08, 00:03
Which book is best for an advanced sufferer if you see what I mean, I had some CBT and can put that into practice OK , just need a bit of a refresher and some further reading .


16-08-08, 00:12
hi decca

me personally would say self help for your nerves

happy reading!

Julie :)

16-08-08, 14:46
Thanks Jewels.

16-08-08, 15:14
I have read 'Self help for your nerves' numerous times. Whenever i'm struggling i refer back to it. She has a way of comforting the shattered nerves.