View Full Version : need 2 let off steam

15-08-08, 11:48
Hiya ...Im soooooo anxious 2day I have my counsillers appointment this afternoon and just seem 2 be working myself up in 2 a state .

Keep thinking I can't go I need some1 with me ....visualizing what might happen or how I will feel......

Its prob because I drank last night so annoyed ......but at the moment my stomach turning over and just paniky .....I will go I wont pull out just needed 2 write how i feel.

Thanx for reading

Venus Calling
15-08-08, 11:53
Try not to think about it. I know how you feel I've got a doctors appointment this afternoon and I don't want to go either! I've plotted the route, where I will park and all sorts of nonsense which is only making things worse so I've starting looking for my favourite songs on You Tube which has made me feel loads better. Try to distract yourself - music is a good way I think as it's hard to be panicky when you are belting a song out! :D

You'll be fine. :hugs:

15-08-08, 11:53
Hi Titch

try to relax the build up is always worse than the actual event. Go do something to distract yourself just now, maybe play a game in the arcade and when it comes time to leave just GO and remember you are going to see someone who will understand youll be in expert hands.

Take care

Pooh x

15-08-08, 12:01
thanx .....im going 2 make some cakes with my daugher 2 distract me (only out of a box not home made haha )

I just get fed up with the negative thoughts all the time .....xx

thanx 4 replying xx

15-08-08, 12:03
Oh and all the best at the docs Jupiter xxxx

15-08-08, 15:17
hi titch only just saw this, sorry hun but u will really really really be fine matey. go for it, be brave and u will feel better for doing it. let me know how u get on. hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

15-08-08, 16:08
well i went and was fine ..was anxious at 1st but I got through it yipppeeeex
Thanx every1 xx
Titch xxx

16-08-08, 01:50
Which shows our fears are often worse than reality so if we don't allow fear to prevent us doing things, we can prove to ourselves over time that there is nothing actually to fear other than the fears we create for ourselves.

Next time you go and you start feeling nervous, remind yourself of what it was actually like which will then help you to counteract your fears and in time your confidence then builds.:hugs: