View Full Version : Hello!

15-08-08, 12:30
My name is Chant and I am 51 years old. I have suffered from panic attacks and agrapobia since I was a kid. When I got in my early twentys I used booze to get over them. I don't suggest that to anyone. Fifteen years ago I stopped drinking. I went to get help at a 12 step program. Haven't touched a drop since.
Now I've got menopause and the panic attacks have come back. But I'm working on them and slowly but surely getting better.
When I had panic attacks and argraphoiba when I was younger, no one in the world knew what it was. Today I am happy cause it is well known. About time!
I'm living in France but I'm orginally from Stamford CT USA. I'm happy I found this fourm!

15-08-08, 12:32
Hi Chant

and welcome along to NMP

I know you will get loads of support and plenty of advice on the site

Good to have you along

Pooh x

15-08-08, 12:44
Thanks so much Pooh! Would you mind if I put you on my friends list?

15-08-08, 13:32
Hi Chant.................your story follows a very similar line to mine. Anxiety when I was younger, although I didn't turn to drink I spent a lot of wasted years with anxiety, I missed out on a lot of things.

I did have a few years which were good, but when the menopause hit the anxiety and panic came back with a vengeance.

I am getting back to some sort of normality, trying to keep the anxiety under control.

This forum is great and has been really helpful, even though I am relatively new here. I have met some lovely people, very caring and non-judgemental.
You will get lots of support.


15-08-08, 14:16
Hello Chant And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

15-08-08, 15:50
Hi Chant,

Welcome to NMP. Many here understand how you are feeling and you will get support. My anxiety was also worse during menopause so I can feel your pain. Wow, lucky you living in France. I was there last year and found it amazing. Glad you are here.

Take care,


15-08-08, 17:06
Hi there! I'm so happy to hear from ya! I'm happy you did'nt turn to booze to get rid of panic attacks or whatever. Thanks for the welcome!

15-08-08, 17:08
I want to thank all of you for the welcome! It feels great!

15-08-08, 17:09
Hi chant,

welcome to nmp.

you'll get lots of advice and support here its like having a huge understanding extended family.

just keep posting and we'll help you all we can

best wishes
di xx

15-08-08, 18:39
Did you mean to close this thread?

I have re-opened it for you.

A warm :welcome: aboard as well

15-08-08, 18:58
Hiya Chant and welcome to the site, hopefully you will find the help and support needed for you to get back on track.

Take care hun


15-08-08, 19:02
Hiya Chant and welcum 2 NMP.....I drink alot at the moment and makes my anxiety worse so well done for stopping and not touching any since because its not easy x
You will get lots of help and support on here
best wishes
Titch xxxxx

15-08-08, 20:57
Hi chant.
Well done with the booze.I can relate to that as i used booze for years and didn't realise it just mademe worse.
It;s good that you are still open and receptive and have found this site

good luck for the future

16-08-08, 20:50
No you did good you did good! Thanks! I've been a good mood and my panic attacks are getting better! Or should I say less! Been doing arobics and that helps alot! I must admitt I'm just learning to do them. Sort of funny. I laugh at myself! And laughter is good!:yesyes:

16-08-08, 21:45
Hello Chant

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of support and good advice on here

Take care


milly jones
16-08-08, 21:55

a wonderfully warm nmp welcome to u hunny

love milly xxxx