View Full Version : eyes!

10-05-05, 11:01
hi all,
are my eyes going bonkers or someut, since i had a bit of a cry last sat my eyes have been weird again,can anyone relate, theve been a bit sticky,without gunge, like a sort of film across my eyes every now and again and and when i look at someone at a distance it seems like there face is double if you see what i mean,but not by looking close up,its not the floaters i get sometimes,or spots, and if i yawn and my eyes water,it stings like ive got a scratch,but i havent [its in the outer edge of my eye] not the end where your nose is,i hope someone can make sence of this, its hard to put into writing, also my eyelids feel a little sticky.
luv sue :(

10-05-05, 13:05
mmm i would make appointment at optician just to get it checked out just to be on the safe side

kairen x

10-05-05, 14:33
Hi Sue
Sounds like it maybe a touch of conjunctivitis, easily remedied with a trip to doctors, or maybe chemist? they'll give you some cream, mind you it could be something as simple as change of make-up, cream or something like that, i shouldn't worry too much, take it easy xxx

10-05-05, 15:40
hi Sue,

I have never had anything like this myself. As the others say, I think you should go get it checked out..

Sarah :D

10-05-05, 20:50
Hi Sue,

Is a good idea to get it checked out cos you never know. But to ease your mind a bit, I was having a bad time a couple of weeks ago. Went into a bit of depression. was crying quite a lot and basically had the similar to you. Especially the film over the eyes. I kept wiping them and it made no difference.

I have had my eyes checked etc and there are nothing wrong with them. Mine was to do with all the crying.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

Sue K with 5
11-05-05, 12:53
Dont panic Sue

The guys are right, it is probably down to a need for an opticians appointment, I think when you are under stress and anxiety eyes seems to suffer the most, probably all that crying we do, but it is nothing to worry about!

Try and get an urgent opticians apt and se what he says, they would be the best people to see from the onset

good luck

Sue K
