View Full Version : getting worried

15-08-08, 16:01
hi all

i am getting quite worried about my swallowing. ihave been living on complan for about 5 weeks now. i do eat the occasional chocy and try to eat a weetabix. i can feel the muscles my head throat, neck, mouth etc are really tight sometimes painful. i also get indigestion although thats due to not eating

anyone else suffered like this? what did you do to overcome it?

many thanks

julie :)

15-08-08, 16:35
I am not sure what Complan is but I am suffering quite badly from reflux/heartburn/indigestion at the moment. It feels like I have a burning in my throat and I want to burp but I cant. It won't go away and makes it difficult for me to eat or drink so I tend to go without as well. Although I do enjoy my chocolate also.

Veronica H
15-08-08, 16:47
Hi Julie
Have you seen your GP about it? Feeling that you can't swallow could be a symptom of anxiety.
Hope you feel better soon
Veronica H

15-08-08, 16:55
Hi julie,

Yes hun i have had this, i got it 19 years ago when i very first started panic attacks and i got it again back in march when i moved away. It is so difficult this one but definately not impossible to overcome, sadly you need a bit of time to work on it, you see the problem is you have to change your thoughts when you're eating, i used to put on funny dvds or read.
I was on complan and tomato soup for two years, the idea is try not to worry about your eating too much, try blending roast dinners infact blend everything, that way you don't have to concentrate on swallowing too much and you get all your nutrients, it is a major part of anxiety, i lost so much weight before blending my food, now i eat normally again, i promise it will settle down it just takes time.

feel free to pm me if you have problems.

best wishes
di xx

15-08-08, 18:32
thankyou for your replies

diane- i never thought of blending my food. i have lost a stone in the last 3 months and do worry about it. of course worry makes it so much worse. my dad is picking me up a blender tomorrow. be nice to eat meat even if it is liquidised. i also have severe agraphobia at the moment. basically living in my bedroom but i do have mobility issues. i have had a stairlift fitted today so something else i need to work on

gosh! soup and complan for 2 years. what anxiety does

again thankyou for your support

Julie :)

16-08-08, 06:28

I swear roast dinners are absolutely gorgeous blended, because you are going to blend everything you must add more juices, like gravy, than you normally would. The big problem with anx is it makes your mouth dry, so trying to swallow something with a dry mouth is somewhat difficult, so blend everything you can, and forget about normal eating for a while, as the anx starts settling down eat things like shepherds pie with lots of gravy on its not hard to swallow, then soups etc. and always have a glass of water with your food, like i said it took me 2 years to combat this first time round, but only 2 months second time.

And poor you with the agoraphobia, i have not long got over mine, but it was not that bad where i was confined to one room, take each day as it comes hun, the stairlifts are a godsend, i work with people on them all the time so hopefully this will make your life a little easier.

best wishes
di xx

16-08-08, 12:48
. . . eat things like shepherds pie with lots of gravy on. . .

Off topic, but I love shepherds pie. We make it totally from scratch, even hand-grinding our our fresh meat. And the gravy is really the icing on the cake. I have a bottle of 100-year-old cognac that I use very small amounts for cooking/flavoring. A dash always gets added to the gravy right at the end.

Oh my, I think I'm going to have to find a restaurant with shepherds pie tonight. We're all packed for vacation and we're not going to cook at home tonight.

16-08-08, 13:57
Hey julie,

After never2late has just gone into detail of how scrummy her shepherds pie is, you'll probably eat the lot hun if you could.
Have a nice meal never2late and a good holiday

di xx

16-08-08, 22:42
hi di and nevertolate

nevertolate- is there any chance you can send me one of your pies? lol have a lovely holiday

i have got my blender now and decided to make my own smoothies too. another way to get my vitamins. i am feeling more encouraged from all the replies so thankyou all

sammi- i think you are onto something there where i am concerned. i have simular symptoms to you. what a life! complan is a build up drink. boring after a while

again thanks

Julie :)

17-08-08, 22:27
Hi Julie,
I've had the same thing too ..another thing you could try is a nutritional drink you can buy from a good chemist..they are a bit expensive you usually buy them by individual cartons they are called ensure and come in different flavours. Eating soft foods yougurts and blending food as others have suggested will keep you going...also distracting yourself whilst eating food may help. Take Care Jodie

17-08-08, 22:44
hi jodie

complan is the same thing as ensure so having 3 of those a day. also started making my own smoothies so i know i am getting my fruit, so i'm trying to be healthy. i am going to try and introduce other blended foods this week and see how it goes

thanks for your ideas amd suggestions. nice to know i have supprt

Julie :)

18-08-08, 12:51
Hi Jewels,

I am sure by blending your food you will be maintaining a a good healthy diet, so don't worry about that. Meantime, please don't worry about your throat symptoms, because you will find in time they will disappear. Many people who suffer from anxiety seem to have this distressing throat sensation, which I have suffered from too. It is suprising isn't it how anxiety can affect our bodies. Do try to relax, I know it is easier said than done, but you will find this episode will pass.