View Full Version : How Do I Know If It's Working.....??!!

Old School
15-08-08, 16:35

I posted this originally at the end of an existing thread about "blips", but realise perhaps I should've made it more obvious I was seeking some advice/suggestions from other forum members - so, have re-posted in a completely new thread.

I am new to this forum, but have been lurking for a while!

I have been on Cipramil drops (40mg - 1ml daily) for 7 weeks now, and am not certain whether they are helping me or not! I certainly don't feel "perked" up or "happy" by any means. I suppose I thought I'd feel less anxious than what I do, less stressed, and not be so consumed with my many bouts of OCD and anxiety attacks. These seem as prominent as ever, unfortunately, but on the plus side, I think I do strangely feel a little less depressed - although I'm reluctant to admit that, because frankly, I'm not sure if I do because of the meds, or whether it's just my subconsciousness telling me that I should feel less depressed BECAUSE of the meds!! I guess I kind of feel a bit numb - sort of a feeling of nothingness, really. I don't feel like crying or pouring my heart out to loved ones any longer, which I think must be a good sign. I don't feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown any more, which must also be good! However, I guess I expected to feel...well...a bit more cheerful than what I do. I'd love to be able to smile and wake up one morning and think "Hey, the world's not so bad after all". Yet I just can't, because I don't feel that.

My appetite is back, and I do sleep at night for a while, though I always wake up at about 2am needing the loo, then again at about 4am - but seem to have no problems drifting back off to sleep again, so can't grumble too much.

I saw my GP today, and described my feelings to her. I did wonder (and, indeed, asked her) whether she felt I'd tried my best, but the drug perhaps just wasn't working for me. She was of the impression that even though I wasn't skipping through fields of daffodils and singing "The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music", at least I seemed more stable and able discuss my feelings and thoughts than when I had originally seen her - whereby I self admit I was a complete mess.

The upshot was that my GP was reluctant to increase my dose, because she didn't want to disrupt the fact that the side effects had at last stabilised, and she felt increasing the dose may incur additional side effects. She suggested a further month on Cipramil to see how I go, and a further appointment with her then. I am happy enough to do this, but wondered whether I'm just delaying the inevitable, and whether this is the right medication for me?

I suppose the question I am asking myself is....how do I know whether this is actually working for me or not, or whether I am subconsciously telling myself I feel a bit better because I know I'm on the drugs? This is what I'm finding really hard to gauge at the moment, and I wondered whether anyone else shares my weird worries?!!!!

By the way, it's very interesting and warming reading everyone else's experiences. Makes me feel a little less "out on a limb". It would be good to hear anyone's advice if possible.

Good luck all.

Old School.

15-08-08, 22:46
It's always diffficult to judge just where you are but if you have any doubts that you're not feeling 'your old self' yet then I'm ask if you can increase your anti's!!! I was on 40mg and still feeling very tearful and anxious but felt so much better right away when my dose was increased to 60mg. Hope that helps you :hugs:

Old School
16-08-08, 16:03
Thanks for the reply. I am seeing GP again in a few weeks, so if I still feel anxious, I will definitely ask if it's worth increasing dosage.

milly jones
16-08-08, 22:17
took me 3 months to get dose right

side effects not as bad with increases

we just dont know how wed be without the meds

all i know is that without some kind of help id have topped myself by now, so something has worked

mill xxx

Old School
17-08-08, 08:37
Mill, glad to hear that it eventually worked for you.:)

It's also refreshing to hear that I'm not alone in that it can take longer to work than the 6 weeks or so which the doctors seem to advise is the norm.

I will keep jogging along and see what happens.

Thanks for your response.

milly jones
17-08-08, 11:27
np matey that what were here for lol

hugs xx

17-08-08, 12:12

My docotor described the following to me ( well he drew a picture of it actually but i cant put it here lol)

imagine a line going diagonally upwards from left to right, like a graph. Every now and again that line will dip down slightly but does continue its trend upwards. Thats what drug therapy tends to do in helping anx and depression. Ive been on prozac for five months now and its getting better all the time i honestly feel far better and more able than i did one month ago and five months ago.

If this had made any sense at all LOL its what I always remember. It keeps the role and function of the drug in perspective and also me realistic about what to expect from it.

Hope this may have helped in soem way

Pooh x

17-08-08, 12:29
In my experience meds do take longer than 6-8 weeks to have a real tangible effect...although there may be slight differences such as you are experiencing I found that the full effect took longer....and like pooh said although the general trend is upwards there can still be some dips though hopefully these will be less dramatic over time.

Good luck with it...and definitely keep that review appointment with your GP!

love Coni XXX

Old School
25-08-08, 20:02

Sorry not replied sooner, been away for a bit! Much needed break!!

Thanks to all for the replies, it really makes a huge difference to know there are others out there with similar issues.

I am plodding along until my next appointment with GP, although I forgot to take my meds for the first time last night (oops!). Hope this doesn't have a detrimental effect on the workings of the drug in general....

Anyway, felt quite anxious tonight - there's a group of teenagers hanging around my house and being loud/obnoxious - which I feel a bit indimidated by, and the anxiety attacks began as a result. I wish I could just shrug things like this off, and not care less, like most people. It really is debilitating being a nervous, anxious wreck!!

Speak soon.x