View Full Version : Just My Luck

15-08-08, 17:46
I have had viral infections in my mouth throat ears and tongue since march, i've been to god knows how many docs, all kept telling me it'll go away don't worry, they were right it went away..... then come back again and again and again and again.

Anyway they are finally puzzled and are looking for something underlying so today i had a whole stream of blood tests to go for.
So i go to work this morning and i'm looking after and old lady with severe dementia as her hubby has a hospital app and she can't be left on her own, three times i phoned up and moved my blood appointment as he was so late, anyway i had the last appointment at 11.50am, that was the last one as the phlebotomist then had to go to the local hospitals to do her job there.

I missed my appointment as the hubby was so late coming back, it wasn't his fault and nor was it mine as i can't walk out my job leaving old people to fend for themselves.

But i so felt like bursting into tears, i have waited so long to find out what is wrong with me and now i have to wait until thursday morning for the phlebotomist to come back to do my blood.

After months of feeling so rotten it was just my luck that today didn't happen.

Sorry for the moan i just needed to get this off my chest.

di xx

15-08-08, 21:52
Aww Di
Im so sorry you missed your appointment as i know how much you were wanting this done today.
I really hope that you make time for yourself next thursday to make sure you have your bloods done, as you need to get yourself sorted out and get yourself well.
Take care hun

15-08-08, 21:59
Oh Diane what a pain ...Ive been the same with CBT had it cancelled twice since may ..finally got it 2 day after the councillor at my docs has sed she will do it herself ..and it went well.....so in way after all the tears and me screaming its worked out for the best ....perhaps you werent ment 2 go 2 day maybe if u had of gone after an anxious morning with waiting you would have been tense and anxious having tests done .

so make sure thursday u are free 2 attend your appointment and get the tests done .

let us know how u get on m8y x
best wishes Titch xxxx

15-08-08, 23:08
Aw Di that must have been so so frustrating fingers crossed all goes well for thursday and you get some answers about this

love Pooh x

16-08-08, 06:37
Thanks guys,

I've got my head round it a bit more now, i was just hoping for some answers after waiting so long, still i mustn't complain, i've waited this long, i just have to wait a bit longer. I've cancelled all jobs on thurs morn until after my blood tests, after all, theres no point me looking after others if i can't be well myself, so i have someone on standby now incase something crops up.

Thanks again for your kind words
di xx

Granny Primark
16-08-08, 08:00
Aww diane what an absolute pain!
How frustrating.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hope all goes well forThursday.
Please keep us informed.

Loads of love and good wishes.

milly jones
16-08-08, 22:29
di hun

sometimes u have to put urself first

if ur not healthy then u wont be able to look after those u care for

pls let us know how its gone hunny

milly xxx