View Full Version : So Pleased To Have Found This Site

Mags 2
15-08-08, 22:03

Hello Everyone,

My name is Mags and I'm 52 and live in Newcastle in the North East of England.
I am normally a doer, a coper, a multi tasker, an organiser, but this year has been very bad or me. First I was ill for 10 weeks. The week after I recovered, my husband had a stroke. The week after he returned to work, my mother was taken ill. Throughout all this, I was having problems at work due to a new Line Manager.

Eventually I decided to resign as The situation was becoming stressfull.
My employer has not played fair with me at all, sending me home on Garden Leave, then refusing to give me a reference. As my job involves cash handling this has damaged my reputation in my field.

After my holiday, I started a temporary job, but began having panic attacks. At first it was just at work, then it happened in the supermarket when I was shopping for food for work. I am now at the stage where anything vaguely work related makes me very anxious and can bring on an attack. I have had to leave the temporary job and now have no income, and can't imagine working again soon.

I have seen my GP and I'm taking medication and waiting for some counselling. However I have had no choice but to persue a Grievance against my former employer. This means that I have to attend a meeting with them and I am waiting to hear when and where. I am now unable to answer the phone or open letters, so I feel like I'm getting worse. I know why this is happening to me, but am finding it so hard to deal with.

I am planning to read everything on this site in the hope of finding things that can help.
Speak soon,


16-08-08, 00:22
hi mags.
has your dr given you a sick note so you can at least claim benefits?
is there anyone you could open the letters with?
my husband hates opening mail so i open it and tell him what he needs to do which he finds less stressful.
welcome to the site.
hope you find what you need.

Mags 2
16-08-08, 09:56
Hi Spiral,

Yes I have got a sick note and have been able to claim Incapacity Benefit. I found it very hard to do that as it's work related and I had to explain the situation to the lady on the phone. I was very panicky and anxious when answering her questions, but luckily she was very kind when I told her how I was suffering.

I suppose I could leave letters until my husband came home, but I think I would worry about the content all day. Also my advisor rings me to talk about any letters received, so I really need to open them.
I've found it hard to come downstairs this morning as I'm expecting a letter, but it hasn't come, so I'll go through the same agonies on Monday. I feel such a wimp.

Thanks for listening,

16-08-08, 11:52
Hello Mags And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

16-08-08, 16:11
Hi Mags
Welcome to nmp.:)
You stick in there for your rights. Don let an employer rule your life. You have started a new beginning by signing onto nmp. We will not judge you. Keep posting your problems and we will support you.
Take care
Leonard xx

Mags 2
16-08-08, 17:30
Thanks Leonard,

It is so good to find people who understand and will not judge.
Look forward to talking again

16-08-08, 17:52
Hi Mags I just want to say :welcome: and I hope this site is of help to you.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

16-08-08, 19:53
Hi Mags,

I am sure you will find plenty of good support and advice on this site. I hope you will be feeling better soon.

milly jones
16-08-08, 20:39

a wonderfully warm nmp welcome to u hunny

love milly xxxx

16-08-08, 22:05
Hello Mags

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


16-08-08, 22:25
Hi Mags

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here

Hope we can be of some help

17-08-08, 04:52
Hi Mags and :welcome:

Seems you have a lot going on right now but as you say, read some of the posts and I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support . A lot of people will be experiencing similiar issues around panic/sickness and worry. Take Care