View Full Version : bad news people!

10-05-05, 12:28
Hi all,

hi everyone i have the worst news to tell you.......
You remember that i was getting rid of my baby well i changed my mind late thursday night early friday morning to keep it. :) This felt like the best thing to do.

Now here's the really bad news after making my choice i told my boyfriend and he wasn't happy at all, he still didn't want it! and well i was lightly bleeding (spotty) all day friday and i spoke to my mates who have been preggy and they said it was perfectly fine as long as it don't get heavy, at 7:30pm i sat on my sofa and thought oh god whats that, where did that come from? as i looked at the sofa with a huge patch of blood on it. My friend rushed me to the hospital and later that night and the doctors told me that i had lost my baby and they would like to take me to a ward and then take me to theaters and do a scrape.

At this point i was feeling like i was being punished for something, they kept me in over night for observation and let me go home first thing in the morning. When i got home all i wanted was a cuddle off my boyfriend but he wasn't there and there wasn't even a note! so i just lead in my bed and cried my eyes out, and eventually i fell asleep alone.

I seem to be coping with this really well as i haven't harmed myself once since the weekend [Wow!] Why is it everytime i get my life sorted something goes wrong? maybe i'm not ment to be happy in life!

I'll keep you posted.

Kitty [:X]

10-05-05, 12:40
ah Kitty,

what happened was nothing to do with you just natures way, sorry yr boyfriend has not been much support maybe he is not the person you thought he was,

just take it easy for the next few days, dont give yourself a hard time,

take care and keep in touch,

I think you are handling the situation very well,
and its good that at least you have yr friend there for support,

kairen x

10-05-05, 13:59
Hi Kitty

Sorry to hear about your loss and about being alone when it happened, **hugs**.
Its a lot for you to cope with and I really hope that you will find happiness very soon.
Take care.

** Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.**

10-05-05, 14:03
Hi Kitty,

Sorry to hear your sad news. I hope you are feeling ok and have some support round you..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

10-05-05, 14:11
hi kitty,
im so very sorry you lost your baby,i know exactly what your going through as i lost my baby last november i was 9 weeks pregnant and started spotting, i went to hospital for an emergency scan and they said there was no heartbeat, i was devastated, my partner decided to go off and left me to greive by myself,i felt so empty, hence the anxiety ever since, theres nothing i can say that will take your pain away,it takes time, i feel my greif has lifted but the anxiety hasnt,hope you are well again soon
take care luv sue xx

10-05-05, 14:23
So sorry to hear that Kitty. It's a shame that your boyfriend isn't there for you - I hope he comes round. Best wishes. :D

10-05-05, 15:14
Kitty, hun, I'm soo sorry to hear about your loss!! Sounds like you are coping as well as can be expected though, keep up the good work. Remember that even if you aren't getting the support you need from your boyfriend that we are all here for you, please keep in touch and let us know how you are feeling!


10-05-05, 18:35
So sorry to hear your sad news Kitty. You are not being punished because there is nothing for you to be punished for.

Well done for not self harming. Hope you have some support with you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-05-05, 18:36
Hi Kitty,
So sorry darling, none of this is your fault, please remember that, don't blame yourself and try to take things easy and slowly, keep in touch xxxx

10-05-05, 19:06

So sorry to hear the news if you had finally decided to keep the baby after all.

Sorry the boyfriend is not very supportive. We are here for you if you need us ok.

Take care of yourself ok?


10-05-05, 20:44

Sorry to hear your news, its not your fault. You can and will be happy in time. Take thing slow, and well done for not harming yourself. You are worth more than that.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

Sue K with 5
11-05-05, 12:59
Oh Kitty!

I am so sorry to hear your news, Men find these situations very difficult to deal with but there are no excuses for him at this time.

You are a very brave young women! and one day when your body has recovered I am sure you will make a wonderful Mum and Happiness will be an automatic response for you

Dont give in you have come a long way and you are proving that by not self harming!!

a Big hug from me and my thoughts are with you

Sue K xxxxx
