View Full Version : hello from the states

16-08-08, 02:07
wow. i am so pleased to find this site tonight. though i have yearned for it, i have never been able to find a community for anxiety support before. i am really looking forward to seeing what we can do here.

so, lemme think. i have suffered from anxiety probably my whole life, though never had a panic attack until 2001 -- the summer before the trade towers fell. i lived right next to the world trade center at the time so when sept 11 hit it was traumatic to say the least. about two months later the panic was so bad i could hardly leave the house. the first treatment i sought was a psychiatrist -- i left the office on medication.
about a year and a half later i took myself off with great success. another traumatic event -- the death of a parent -- seemed to bring back the attacks almost worse than they were before. since then i have been to two different CBTherapists and have been working on and off with a few CBT inspired books.
the latest ones i'm working with are by Dr. David Burns...i think it's working but of course it's a lot of work and slow going. i'm feeling ready to really give myself a shot at this though which is, in part, what brought me to the site.
i'm so tired of it all and am ready to make the effort to get rid of it. my particular choice of anxieties are panic, social, agoraphobia, and hypochondria.
i'm hoping this is a good place to find the support that seems to be neccesary in order to fight it off once and for all. for something that everyone seems to experience to some degree, it is incredible how alienating panic/anxiety can really be when we let it.

thanks much meg for this cyber salon just for us.

16-08-08, 02:45
Hello I am from Australia and welcome as I have just joined as well I am so sorry to hear of the sad events that happened in The USA, with the bombings and so forth, and at least you are ready to let go of the wobbles is what I call it as it is no more than a long term stress sickness that we can over come as I have done it before a couple of years ago. I too had my major panic attack a few year ago after loosing my dad to cancer in 1994 and prolonged stress... I am now having a set back , but now at least I know how to deal with it, basicly it is your fear system working overtime, playing games with you. And in time with patience , guided meditation and cognitve therapy we can be free of anxiety as I have done it .... I hope that you find peace...Pauline

16-08-08, 02:59
thanks pauline!
i'm really optimistic for us both.

16-08-08, 06:46
Hi Abbey,

A huge welcome to nmp hun,

You will get loads of help and support here, its like having a huge understanding family.
After the trade towers disaster its no wonder you are suffering like you do, it affected the way we feel all the way here in the uk so god knows what it must have been like for you there.
Its great that you are trying to overcome your fears now and hopefully with lots of support and encouragement we can help you do it.
I am a recovered agoraphobic, so its not impossible to overcome, it just takes time.

Just keep posting and i'm sure you'll get the help you need

best wishes
di xx

16-08-08, 11:58
Hello Abbeyk And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

milly jones
16-08-08, 20:56

a wonderfully warm nmp welcome to u hunny

love milly xxxx

16-08-08, 21:37
Hello Abbey

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find lots of support and good advice on here

Take care


16-08-08, 22:28
Hi Abbey

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here

Hope we can be of some help

16-08-08, 22:37

:welcome: to nmp

jodie xx

16-08-08, 23:41
hello there and welcome to nmp, you will find some really great support and advice here and make some lovely new friends too. hugs xx

17-08-08, 04:12
Hello and welcome to NMP

Pooh x