View Full Version : are these symtoms of anxiety??

16-08-08, 07:23

Im new to this site. About 9 months ago I started having anxety attacks. After a few months I gradually stoped having them but instead became anxious and on edge all day most days.

I have now become very house bound due to the anxiety but mostly because of a number of symptoms which have gradually been getting more intense. They are a foggy head, feeling of unreality and un attatched from self, cant focus, my eyes can feel really weird like things are moving and vision goes weird, they can also twitch alot and feel as if they are cross eyed and can ache, a pushing on temples, lump in the throut, sore neck, feel uncomfterble in bright artificial light, constant worrying and thinking, tunnell vision, felling of swaying when standing still.. The worst one is the feeling of unreality which I get everyday to the point I think im going crazy and stops me from doing the things id like to. I can also feel really uncomfterble and tense around people, even my own family..Oh and also sometimes can feel my heart beating in my head to the point where it feels as if my head is moving too

After alot of surfing the net I think I may have GAD.
I have read that most of these symtoms are from anxiety but am not 100% sure about some. I have never read anything about not being able to relax around people or feeling like im not in reality and why does it get worse in bright artificial light (this one really gets to me). Also feeling my heartbeat in my head??? Can anyone help put my mind at ease about these?

I have not yet been to the doctors about any of this but it is currently a hurdle that i am trying to get over, but untill then can anyone help with thes symptoms I am unsure of..


16-08-08, 09:07
hello .....This definately sounds like anxiety .....and I have had all symptoms you named......especially the artificially lights ....I even had 2 buy some tinted glasses as I work in a supermarket.....so yes this is a sign of anxiety.

Id advise you go and see your doctor as they can help and maybe refer 2 councillor who will give you lots of advice.
when we are anxious or body is sensitized so our sypmtoms can be felt stronger eg heartbeat in head .

Id recommend you buying aClaire Weekes book as it will explain why we feel like it and how you can overcome it .

also post on here anytime
best wishes
Titch xxx

16-08-08, 12:58
I have had all the symptoms you have mentioned. I agree the worst one is feeling unreal. This is a very common symptom of anxiety. It is just your mind finally giving you a break from all that worrying. I know when you are feeling that way it seems like you are going crazy, but you are not. I try to distract myself. I read, do word searches, go for a walk. I know how hard it is to do anything when this symptom is really bad. I hope you are feeling better.
Take care.