View Full Version : panicking over spot on leg

10-05-05, 17:15
as most on here know that last year my mum died from skin cancer she had melnoma(dont know how to spell it) well it started with a spot or a mole behind her leg just at the crease,

yesterday i woke up and i have a spot behind mine and now im starting to get scared incase ive got what she died off my bf says not to worry its just a spot and i have 3 spots like it on my other leg but i wont listen to him i keep saying to myself what if hes lieing.

im really starting to get scared now im going to phone the doctors tomorrow morning for a canclation so i can get seen soon.

maybe im just overracting i dont know.

10-05-05, 17:26

I'm sure its fine but def go to the doctors just to be sure and keep your mind at rest. You'll feel so much better once you've seen the doc.

good luck taylor,


10-05-05, 18:05
Don't worry about it Taylor - I'm sure it's nothing!! Good that you're going to ask the doctor though just to be sure. Let us know what he says..:D

10-05-05, 18:37
Try not to panic about it Taylor. Chances are it is nothing but it is a good idea to see your doctor and get it checked out.

Let us know how you get on.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

10-05-05, 19:38
Yes, get it checked but a day or two will not matter if its just appeared.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

10-05-05, 20:35
Good luck Taylor, good idea about the doctor. Im sure your boyfriend is right though. When we find something, we then panic, it all then gets blown out of proportion. Im often worried about my health and dont believe my husband, when he says its nothing.

My sister had breast cancer and im constantly checking myself, as I think I will get it.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

10-05-05, 23:34
hiya taylor sorry how you are feeling , I am the same with health anxiety and lump, bump spot, rash or any pains and i worry myself sick untill i see the doc. But the truth is if you look enough you will find new(as we think) spots lumps moles etc. As we get older we get different spots and rashes and little bums but becouse we are so hyped up and anxiouse we let them get us down. Hope its nothing and hope you feel better soon. If you are anything like me when you get the all clear on these spots you wil soon find another problem to worry you. take care, Vernon.

Let us know how you get on.