View Full Version : Ears hurting---possible diet?

16-08-08, 09:51
Well I havent been on the boards for a while cos I have been feeling a lot better. My lymphoma worry still rears its head some days but I am definately nowhere near as bad as I was. I have managed to get a part time cleaning job in a school and I actually enjoy going to work(crikey i never thought i would say that!!). I have also made myself change my diet. I am slightly overweight anyway but i am following(most days!!!) the slimming world plan and i am finding i am feeling so much better with different healthy foods.
Anyway,on the days i find myself having chocolate, which is my main weakness, I wake up the next morning with the most awful sinus pain and sometimes, like today, it is in my ear(s).
Well yesterday was my birthday and of course that means chocs!!I ate the blasted lot(YEAH I KNOW!!!) and today, after weeks of feeling relatively ok, my ear is hurting and my nose.
Can anyone else relate to this?Is sinus pain anything to do with diet? This is about the the third time in as many months that this has happened and the days before i have eaten a decent amount of chocolate!!!!I am going to cut it out completely now anyway:weep: as I can definately see a pattern emerging.
Hope everyone is doing ok----again thanks to all the lovely ppl who helped me in my very darkest days with HA. xxxx

16-08-08, 10:23
Hi JellyBean

Happy birthday for yesterday!

It's possible that your sinus pain is an allergic reaction to something in the chocolate and/or it could be an anxiety reaction.

Maybe try cutting out chocolate completely for a couple of weeks to see if the sinus pain goes away then try a little bit and see if the sinus pain comes back. If it does and you're concerned about it you could see your GP or an allergy specialist to confirm it or not.

Hope that helps :smile: