View Full Version : coming off citalopram and going onto lofepramine

16-08-08, 09:56
I was on citalopram for 7 weeks with the most dreadfull side effects, my doctor has now put me on lofepramine 70mg twice a day. I've only been on them since yesterday morning.

Can anyone advise me if i would still be having some of the side effects from citalopram?

Is anyone else on lofepramine and what side effects are you having if any?


Sarah xxxxxxxx

16-08-08, 18:45
Hi Sarah,

I was on lofepramine too...same dose as you and the main thing I remember is a really dry mouth. I also had some nausea, especially while eating but that settled down after a while. I felt they definitely helped me though I always struggled to remember to take the second one in the day.

Good luck with them

Coni XXX

milly jones
16-08-08, 22:12
i was on lofepramine before citalopram lol

they were brill for depressive illness, but my anx got strong so hosp changed me.

id defo agree with dry mouth, and i lost weight on them too.

i was on 210mg day

milly xx