View Full Version : Severe Exhaustion

16-08-08, 13:51
For the past week or 2, my panic attacks have come back really quite bad and with that I have been experiencing severe exhaustion. I just want to lie in bed all day, I cant concentrate, I feel a tiny bit sick, I dont want to leave the house, I dont want to see anyone. My whole body feels heavy. I havent ever really felt like this. I am useally very fit and healthy, running a few times a week etc.
Anyone else feel this way? Is it just anxiety causing this?
Many thanks

16-08-08, 15:35
Sorry you have been feeling so bad. Panic and anxiety cause a severe surge of adrenaline to go through your body at a rapid pace and when you start to calm yourself down it is exhausting. Your whole body is tired and can take awhile even a few days to go back to normal. I remember being tired all the time when my attacks were severe but still couldnt sleep because my brain was still going a hundred miles an hour. This is normal for anxiety and panic. Its like we are always running a marathon with our bodies. I hope this helps. Take care.

Albert Couture
17-08-08, 07:39
When my anxiety is bad, I get very heavy and fatigued. And although it seems like I should be able to sleep real easily, I'll feel a nervous energy that makes sleeping almost scary. When the anxiety dies down, the fatigue lifts greatly, so I'm sure they are related.

Like you, I am pretty physically active. When my anxiety was at its worst, I was working out 3-4x a week minimum, and during these workouts I was comparatively normal to the other athletes. At home though, it was another story!

Also, for my case, I've noticed that the heaviness always accompanies the fatigue. It's a very unpleasant feeling, sort of like being drugged.

So, I'd say your symptoms are not uncommon, and hopefully this will give you some piece of mind to speed up your recovery.

Hang in there!

17-08-08, 11:33
When my panic attacks were really bad (when I was having about 8 a day) I was so exhausted that I couldnt even get out of bed. It was awful. I had to take time off work because I just couldnt do anything. Even brushing my teeth would make me feel tired!
When I told the doctor he said it was severe anxiety and because I was having all them panic attacks it was making my body tired. My doctor explained that when you have a panic attack, your body releases lots of adrenelin (this is what makes your heart beat faster and your body shake etc) The doc said that everytime I have a panic attack it has the same effect as running for hours - so its no wonder I was so tired!

I know its hard but try and do some light exercise. The worst thing I did was to lay in bed all day as this made me even more tired.

Hope this helps

Vicki x