View Full Version : Feeling so shakey

16-08-08, 16:49
Hello all,

This is my first post. I have been diagnosed GAD since the start of the year. I feel truly desperate at the moment as this anxiety is truly restricting my life. I feel shakey and "wobbly" most of the time and my sleep is difficult. I am very depressed about all of this. I am constantly feeling like something dreadful is about to happen. Do others feel this way? What helps for you??


16-08-08, 17:17
Hi Dacer,

I clicked on your post as that sums up how I feel 80 - 90% of the time too. I'm new to this as well, the site not the feeling unfortunately! I hope someone comes along with some advice for you/us!

16-08-08, 19:05
Hi guys

The only thing that helped me enough to 'get straight' was Lorazepam to help the anxiety and Citalopram for the depression.

I'm going through another bout of anxiety again at the moment even though I'm on the medication :wacko: I'm trying to ignore it as the more you focus on it the worse it gets but it's not an easy thing to learn.

Good luck and hope some other lovely people can help you further ;)

16-08-08, 19:41
Hi caz,

Thank you for that. I just started taking Sertrazine (?) on Wednesday as I've always resisted taking anything for these feelings, although I've had anxiety attacks and panic attacks for years. I've got 6 kids and between being pregnant and breastfeeding my body was never my own! I find it strange that when I force myself to relax and breathe deeply the shaking stops, its as if my normal state is to be shaky! I don't want that to happen.
I don't know how long it'll take before I feel the full benefit of these tablets. Last night was the first night in months that I've not woken up 5-10 times with my heart pounding and shaking like my teeth would fall out. I want more nights like that.

16-08-08, 20:49
ya I feel like too, even cleaning my room is hard as I feel so weak and my legs shake. stupid anxiety. hope your feeling ok x

16-08-08, 21:02
Hi Dacer
That could almost have been me posting! I have exactly the same problems.
Since March I have been taking Citalopram. This has change me completely from someone who was utterly depressed to a cheerful, postive person. Don't get me wrong, I still sometimes feel a bit down but not constantly like I used to. I have also totally got rid of my sleep problems too.
I'm still suffering with jelly legs though but through my GP I have been referred to a specialist who deals with physical symptoms of anxiety. I'm hoping that this horrible symptom will eventually go with this help.

So my advice would be to get as much help as you can from your GP. Suggest it yourself if they don't.

Good luck, you're not alone. Lots of hugs


16-08-08, 22:38
I don't like to rely on any meds either, but they really can be helpful during the worst of times, and if used according to instruction.

A panic attack can really take its toll during the times when coping skills are being learned. Even the aftermath, sometimes for days, is difficult.

I do really well now with the skills I've learned (most Dr. Claire Weekes methods), but if I had it to do over again, I would have relied on a tablet a little more frequently than I did. Even Dr. Weekes says its OK in her books and recordings. But I tried to tough it out. I made it harder than it had to be. Live and learn.

I do hope you begin to feel better soon. It does come, but like everyone here will say, it takes time (and sometimes many set backs as well).

17-08-08, 09:25
Thanks so much for all the encouragement. Its good to know I'm not alone!
