View Full Version : Years of anxiety

16-08-08, 16:58
I should have all the answers by now as I started with anxiety when I was in my teens and I am over 60 now and it just doesn't seem to get much easier. I think I have had a lot of the symptoms discussed on the site, and one of my latest fears is going away on holiday and being ill. I need to know where the nearest doctor is, just in case! I am on a waiting list for some counselling and hope this will help. I know its all down to positive thinking, but who can be positive in the middle of an anxiety attack? I should be enjoying the rest of my years, but I seem to be afraid to live and afraid to die.

I am so pleased I found this site, I get a lot of comfort from it and look forward to maybe helping some fellow sufferers.

16-08-08, 17:11
aw thats nice that the site helps you!
i suffer from panic attacks too,
iv been advised to get councelling but havent went..
so let me know how you get on!

16-08-08, 17:25
Thanks weeleese88, will let you know WHEN I get counselling, I've been on the waiting list for 6 months now and still waiting for a date, but in the meantime I have kind buddies on the site like you that takes some of the anx away. HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GOOD DAY.

milly jones
16-08-08, 20:45

a wonderfully warm nmp welcome to u hunny

love milly xxxx

16-08-08, 21:44
HI Ddcoo
Welcome to nmp. You have joined the right site for long term sufferers. I have had anxiety for 40 years now, it started when I was five. I too dislike holidays, incase of illness, but that is a symptom of insecurity. Keep posting and best wishes

16-08-08, 21:47

Welcome to the site I am glad you find comfort in it, there are many nice people on here who will offer you good advice and support.

Take care


16-08-08, 22:27
Hi Ddcoo

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here

Hope we can be of some help

17-08-08, 04:14
Hi and welcome along to NMP
Pooh x

17-08-08, 14:06
Hello And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

17-08-08, 15:15
Thank you to all of you who have welcomed me to the site, I wish I had found it years ago but I am a Silver Surfer and not very clever with computers, but so pleased I'ver managed to learn enough to communicate with you all. When I get time I will do a proper introduction of myself, if you like big books like Harry Potter it will probably take me nearly as long to write it.

Thank you again for all your kindness.

Ddcoo x

17-08-08, 16:03
You seem to be coping very well with the forum. How very brave of you to start on this. I'm new too so let's hope we can hold each other's hands across the internet.

18-08-08, 23:54
:weep: :scared15:
I should have all the answers by now as I started with anxiety when I was in my teens and I am over 60 now and it just doesn't seem to get much easier. I think I have had a lot of the symptoms discussed on the site, and one of my latest fears is going away on holiday and being ill. I need to know where the nearest doctor is, just in case! I am on a waiting list for some counselling and hope this will help. I know its all down to positive thinking, but who can be positive in the middle of an anxiety attack? I should be enjoying the rest of my years, but I seem to be afraid to live and afraid to die.

I am so pleased I found this site, I get a lot of comfort from it and look forward to maybe helping some fellow sufferers.
I could not believe I have come upon someone with the same obsessions as myself. I really feel so sorry for you because I know what you are going through. I too worry about holidays and now can not go on any because of the worry of a different routine it make me feel suicidal before I go so it is not worth it.

Cathy V
19-08-08, 00:07
Hi Dd, welcome to nmp. Ive suffered with anxiety from ectopic heartbeats for the last 33 years...well, i havent had them permenantly for 33 years, but off and on enough to turn me into an anxious person for all of those years. Ive been waiting for the heart attack all thsi time! and yes, holidays are a very ommon nightmare for alot of us here too. Though i have to say that in the last 12 months, since having to travel back and forth from germany to uk, and with the help of fellow sufferers on here, ive managed to overcome alot of my fears. I hope you will too.

Small steps
Cathy xxxx :)

19-08-08, 10:12
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
We all understand here what you are going through so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
