View Full Version : Hi all

16-08-08, 19:38
Hi all,
I'm Bri, in my early 20s and living in England.
For the last year I have increasingly become trapped by my own anxiety and fears...so much so I kind of lost who I was for a while.
I am so glad I have found this website as one of my biggest issues has been thinking I am the only person who is going through all this, I've been blubbing my eyes out with relief reading the thread everyone has written!
While I am beginning to improve my control with the panic (I can now get in cars and on buses) I have noticed my health anxiety has got far worse. I am currently suffering one sided headaches and facial numbness and I'm sure you can all guess what my immediate thought is!! However, having read many threads I at least now have a voice trying to argue against the very scared one...so thank you!
Bri :D

16-08-08, 19:57
Hi Bri

I am pleased you have found this site, because you will find it will give you great stength and encouragement from people who really understand, which is what we all need from time to time.

milly jones
16-08-08, 20:36

a wonderfully warm nmp welcome to u hunny

love milly xxxx

16-08-08, 22:07
Hi Bri

Welcome to the site you will find many people on here who will understand what you are going through

Take care


16-08-08, 22:24
Hi Bri

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here

Hope we can be of some help

17-08-08, 14:07
Hello Bri And Welcome To The Site, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

17-08-08, 16:33
Hi Bri, welcome to NMP where I hope you'll find lots of support and some new friends. Take care

21-08-08, 05:14
Hi i have the same issue check for thryiod disease because those two are common sympthoms. u can check by egtting a blood test or seeing an endocrinologist. the pain can also be from bad migranes such as stress and anxiety so you could see a doc to get an mri. its better to play it safe just because we haveanxiety doesnt mean we cant get sick its when you check for things and theyre not there or when we automatically think of the worst is whats bad. but you still need to be checked i waited so long becaus ei thought it was anxiety and i have thryiod disease also which causes things from migranes to weightgain toanxiety to insomia well goodluck wish u well and if u need any help or just someone to talk to let me know by email byeee

21-08-08, 05:19
HI Bri and welcome to NMP

good to see you signed in and using the forum.

Pooh x

21-08-08, 09:57
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
You will also find a lot of ppl who feel or have felt just like you do.
keep posting with your fears and we will help you as much as we can.

take care
