View Full Version : Just a little reassurance

10-05-05, 21:37
Hello everyone

Just a quick plea for minor reassurance if poss please?

Things are going really well, my new job is excellent, no pressure but rewarding. Compared to the wreck I was I know things are so much better. Even looking forward to France at the end of the month.

Meg (angel on this earth) talked me through a horrible day of palpatations that scared me recently and to be fair have not re-appeared. However I am still, despite not being anxious (conciously) suffering with my throat and chest. Some days my throat gets tight and then I almost lose my voice as if I have a real throat infection (which I don't as it comes and goes) I constantly clear my throat and swallow which causes a tight chest and breast bone - other days my tongue is mad, at the back of my throat I feel as if there is something crawling or moving deep within my throat and tongue. Also I get a pain just inside my left shoulder blade which if I push the muscle hurts my throat?

I push myself every day to tackle something that scared me at my worst, I can shop, work, drive, etc and some days remember normality before all this. I just wish the throat, tongue thing would go away. I never get it during the night which is weird, even if I wake with a racing heart etc (all of which I ignore, relax and get over). The school run which I got over after easter is beginning to play on my mind again and every day despite pushing myself to do it I start with a lump and dry throat and end up short of breath - beginning to wonder if maybe I do have a chest, heart or lung problem??????

If anyone else has knowledge of these feelings i'd love to know. On the whole I am really upbeat and positive, things are getting better, if you had told me i'd be even 50% relaxed two months ago i'd say you were mad, on a daily basis I am at 80-90% now :-)

Thanks in advance.

10-05-05, 22:10
Hi Angie,

Glad to hear all is going so very well..

Couple of things - forgive me if I'm wrong but I thought you were now spending large amounts of time on the phone yapping whereas previously you were here typing ....

So consider a real bit of voice strain.

Otherwise, yes of course it could be remnants of anxiety. Either way treat yourself gently please.

You might want to turn this around and instead of working so hard to fight it, start defeating it with velvet.

To reduce the muscle tensing and thus the focus you need to actively relax.. It will not be easy but give it a series of go's

Firstly look at your posture - where are your shoulders - up like Yogi bear trying to protect your throat. Shrug them a few times and do a few good sighs and breaths out = release that rigidity in your neck, chest and upper back

Then onto Rescue remedy, ice in water to assist in reducing the tenseness and thus swelling, mints , sucking a boiled sweet is good as it keeps the muscles moving, a warm (not boiling) drink to relax the throat . Relaxation CD..

I found a cordial like greenbottle elderflower was great either hot ot cold as it had a bit of slipperyness to it that soothed my throat and kept it smoother and not so raspy.

You don't get it at night as you're relaxed and not having to talk so much.

You take care now.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

10-05-05, 23:44
hi angie,
your post really called out to me - i am at exactly the same stage as you - today i've been at work and spent the day feeling like a panic attack was just round the corner. so annoying! i think it sounds like you are doing fantastically. i find that drinking lots of sparkling water helps me burp and therefore releases the tightness in my heart/chest. it always makes me feel better.
definitely sounds like anxiety rather than a heart/lung problem.
take care!
henri x

11-05-05, 09:35
hi angie,

It's definitely anxiety hun - I have had the same things at one point or another. It sounds like you are coming along really well - keep it up!!

Sarah :D

11-05-05, 09:56
Thanks guys, it just annoys me that this last bit won't go. Everything else is good, I can totally control my breathing, relax stay positive etc but when ths throat kicks in (which it does daily now) IT DOES GET ME DOWN.

It is not there when I wake up but kicks in about half an hour before I drop Millie to school. This in turn feeds my loathing of the stroll through the church which in turn bigs the whole Millie and school thing up again.

When I am on a real positive day I just accept that this is how I feel, it won't kill me and get on as normal. If it gets me off guard I imagine my throat closing, choking etc - not funny[V]

Thanks again guys, if anyone else had or had the troat thing how long did it last in comparison to the other symptoms?

11-05-05, 13:18
Hi Angie,

I had the throat thing as well, but at the time didnt know it was due to aniety thought i had hurt my throat when taking meds as a have to try and swallow tablet then have drink and still end up gagging, LOL so thats all i thought it was took a few weeks to go, the last symptom i had was a ticking in my eye was awful felt like i was winking at people, you will getthere as you seem to be doing so well keep it up
take care

kairen x

11-05-05, 14:36
the timing of it tells you what it is.. make sure it gets the ignoring treatment

Tight throat : MORE HORRID SYMPTOMS!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1957)
Swallowing/ choking: Hi All (Swallowing / Choking Fear...) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3239)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-05-05, 21:50
hi angie

this is always my last remaining sympton to. i now relise i still have it even while established on meds,

its got a name something like globus hysericus which means lump in the throat, i have been to the gps at least twicwe a few years back thinking i had thraot cancer or something equally horrid.

dont forget that adrenalin rushes can happen due to anxiety, excitement or stress, which give all the same physical symptons.

i know when i went to the gp i remember saying i know this lump is a sign of anxiety, but im noe anxious, if he said to me do you feel stressed the answer would probably been yes as like you im a busy mum and have got 3 kids, so were bound to feel stress without relising its sress, if that makes sense.

take care Jane