View Full Version : physio said i might have tumour in leg

16-08-08, 23:38
can any please help me i am falling to pieces.Being having probs with left leg for about 5 months now.Went to my doctor who sent me for physio .Physio said it was hamstring injury from running,however saw another physio as worry and thought it was something serious.The second physio also said hamstring with neurological tenision.However i just wanted to check cause was so desperate to exercise again so i went to a new physio on friday.He said that he tinks it could be a tumour in my leg BECAUSE MY THIGH is swollen and when i exercise the pain goes all dpwn my leg and into the foot.I am so scared i spent all last night crying and today .i dont what to do.many thanxs im so worried.sorry

17-08-08, 00:04
hiya hun im sorry that u are so distressed, please dont think u def have a tumour cos remember 2 physios said u hadnt, so i would get it checked out properly for your peace of mind obviously, but please try and not worry cos it will prob turn out not even to be this. hugs and sorry i cant be more help to u xxxxxx

17-08-08, 00:08
The best thing to do is to get yourself re-checked by a doctor, your GP in the first instance. No offence to any physiotherapists out there, but they are not doctors and are not in a position to diagnose a tumour on the basis of a physio consult. Also, look at it this way: two out of the three physios that you saw did NOT suggest that you might have a tumour, they both agreed that it was a problem with your hamstring. Only one mentioned it. Why should that one be right and the other two, and your doctor, be wrong?

If you have had swelling and pain in your leg for five months then you should go back to your doctor and tell him/her what the physios told you.

This is a really scary thing to have someone to suggest to you but the odds are still very much against it. Lots of symptoms can look like really scary things - just look what happens when you type symptoms into Google! Please try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know) and get yourself off to your doctor asap to put your mind at ease.

Best of luck and hugs.

17-08-08, 00:43
Thank you guys very much for taking the time to respond .will go to my gp monday.thank you all very much .am so gratful to have found you guys here.

17-08-08, 01:00
Hiya hun ...can imagine u r paniking and anxious but as others have stated 2 out of 3 said sed it hamstring so dont just focus on the 1 who sed different......i would be the same so I totally understand and i think most people would if they honest that they always remember the negative instead of positive .....x
go back 2 your docs and tell him whats been said and how you feel and tell them u want some kind of scan 2 put your mind at rest .In the mean time remember 2 out of 3 said it hamstring .

let us know how u get on hun
take care
titch xx

17-08-08, 09:35
thank you ,i just keep thinking that he wouldnt say anything unless he was sure.i am just so frightened ,last night spent the whole nigh thinking about loosing my leg and there being tumours everywhere in my body.i just cant stop all these thoughts.

18-08-08, 11:28
hi guys went to the doctor this morning and she had a look at my leg and said she is in no way concerned or worried about it being anything serious ,she said she would refer me for my own piece of mind to a someone ,do you think i should be reassured by this?sorry thanks everyone

18-08-08, 11:37
hiya mate and yes def be reassured by this and try not to worry now. hugs and great news xx

18-08-08, 12:58
That's great news siobhain :), thanks for letting us know. If the doc has had another look and says it doesn't look like anything serious then that's really good. It's cool that your doc is referring you to someone (who?) for further reassurance but sounds like it's all going to be AOK. Hugs (-:

18-08-08, 20:16
hey thanxs everyone ,not sure who have been refered to was so anxious .thank you everyone for the reassurance ,really am greatful

19-08-08, 11:32
I'm glad the doc reassured you. If i were the doctor, I'd also be bloody annoyed at an unqualified person saying things like this and worrying you unnecissarily - in fact, if I were you, I would maybe get in touch with the offending physio and explain what has happened, and that you think they are a tad unprofessinoal (to say the least!). Email it if you don't want to do it face to face - I presume you would never darken their doors again, so don't need to worry about peeing them off!

19-08-08, 17:05
hey thanks for the advice other people have been telling me to do the same.Might sent them an email as you are right dont want to go any where near that place again.thanks again everyone