View Full Version : Patchy/Blotchy/Mottled Palms

16-08-08, 23:45
I posted something in the symptoms forum, but it was annexed onto another thread and got buried. If posting again here is a no-no, the mods may feel free to mete out their most horrific punishment, I'm just feeling kinda anxious right now...

I know some other people have mottled palms, red/pinkish with white spots, almost in a patchy lacework pattern. I've got these, too, and I'm not sure if I recently developed them or if they've always been like that. Raising my hands above heart level helps when they're really bad, but they look that way much of the time, though sometimes really subtly. I had an M.D. (though a psychiatrist, he went to med school) look at them at work, and he's baffled. Not sure what's up, but said they're probably fine...but he's not a "real" doctor, so I'm not sure what to think.

I had blood taken and labs run back in April, so liver problems (cirrhosis, hepatitis) probably aren't to blame, but I'm not sure what else it might be. Heck, I can't even decide if perhaps they've always been this way! I wonder if it's a circulation issue or something. I am pretty pale and thin, with lots of visible veins in my arms/hands, so that may have something to do with it, too...I know redness shows up more easily on those of us who look like vampires...

Anyone else have this issue and had a doctor check it out? Any insight into the issue? I'm trying not to let this get me too worried, and (kind of) doing an okay job of it, but some reassurance would be great, if anyone can help.



18-08-08, 16:04
hiya, ive had this on my legs, never noticed it before, became freaked out by it, obsessed by it, was it normal etc.....came to the conclusion that its probably always been there, just never really noticed it. i was looking at my legs constantly, looking for changes etc..noticing the veins were bluer than normal,...then looked at my kids legs...and guess what, theres were also blotchy, and i know theres nothing wrong with them.


24-10-10, 21:20
This condition is very complex to answer and there are three differential causes,I know this because I suffer from this.I have seen cardiologists, rhuematologists,and finally a neurologist.However non has a adequate reason for this condition until I read a article called vegative vascular dystonia or in another name,autonomic dysfunction.Basically the nervous system is breaking down.Unfortunately the reasons can be kidney problems,neurological problems genetic or brought on by kidney problems.It should be noted however reducing content of protein in the daily diet and maintaining hydration helps kidney function.Otherwise it could be raynauds phenomena or over- intoxication from medications.I say this because if you have ever seen someone who is allergic to meds they break out in a rash as the liver rejects the compounds as failure to cope exhibits the rash.So three possibles -Raynauds-allergy-Vegative vascular dystonia?:blush:

18-02-17, 03:28
Hi,I am a 54 year old female. I too have developed this problem over the last few weeks. My hand turns red, and if I carry any weight or put pressure, marks are left behind. I went to the dr and he suggested running tests to rule out Polycythemia, Liver, renal, thyroid and diabetes tests. I have no other symptoms. I too have been stressing out.

18-02-17, 05:01
I posted something in the symptoms forum, but it was annexed onto another thread and got buried. If posting again here is a no-no, the mods may feel free to mete out their most horrific punishment, I'm just feeling kinda anxious right now...

I know some other people have mottled palms, red/pinkish with white spots, almost in a patchy lacework pattern. I've got these, too, and I'm not sure if I recently developed them or if they've always been like that. Raising my hands above heart level helps when they're really bad, but they look that way much of the time, though sometimes really subtly. I had an M.D. (though a psychiatrist, he went to med school) look at them at work, and he's baffled. Not sure what's up, but said they're probably fine...but he's not a "real" doctor, so I'm not sure what to think.

I had blood taken and labs run back in April, so liver problems (cirrhosis, hepatitis) probably aren't to blame, but I'm not sure what else it might be. Heck, I can't even decide if perhaps they've always been this way! I wonder if it's a circulation issue or something. I am pretty pale and thin, with lots of visible veins in my arms/hands, so that may have something to do with it, too...I know redness shows up more easily on those of us who look like vampires...

Anyone else have this issue and had a doctor check it out? Any insight into the issue? I'm trying not to let this get me too worried, and (kind of) doing an okay job of it, but some reassurance would be great, if anyone can help.



I've had this issue all my life, since childhood (as well as mottled/blotchy skin all OVER, esp in my limbs, when I'm cold), and I am 44 and in perfect health, and have never had an actual health problem in my entire life (health anxiety notwithstanding).
Maybe it just comes from being pale?
i mean, my hands and feet and legs turn actually purple and mottled, when I'm cold. When i swim in cold water, my lips turn blue.
Could it just be a low blood pressure issue? I have been told I have low blood pressure, but it is not something to worry about, as I am very thin...
I don't know. I don't worry about the mottling thing, because I've always had it, and first noticed it 35-plus years ago...

Best wishes.

18-02-17, 13:14
This is something you should see a doctor for if you haven't yet - considering the causes can range from ANYWHERE from poor circulation to as another poster stated - renal. That being said it is very very common and most likely something as simple as poor circulation and if it were something else you'd have other presenting symptoms.

If it concerns you so much go see a GP and he'll help you get to the bottom of it - or rule out anything scary.

As health anxiety suffers we forget that sick people are SICK. Yet we latch on to one abnormal thing in our body without any other symptoms and convince we just caught it early - when in truth that's not really how most diseases work.