View Full Version : Brain tumour fear now

17-08-08, 00:06
Saw GP today coz of my 'sinus' pain being so bad, told him it feels full of pressure when i bend over (picking kids toys up etc..) at top of head and just in nose.

He then started asking me alot of questions which i knew were about brain tumours, he took my BP on an electric monitor and it was 136/83 which he said was great but i panicked because ive been at the GP alot lately with very low bp and dizzy spells. BP 2 weeks ago was 90/60. I went into panic and told him thats very high for me but he said its not high at all. Mine is usually done manually though?

GP today said that he just wants me to have an eye test to rule out anything nasty so got really anxious but made him laugh by saying 'u think ive a tumour don't u? i only came here for some antibiotics for my sinusitis':winks: he was laughing at me and telling my mum he thinks im a character.

He said sinus usually hurts in the face not top of the head but as the nose does feel congested on bending and it even pops at times then maybe it is just congestion, ive had a virus causing a cough for 3 weeks nearly.

I am just a tad anxious now, what if its a tumour?should i worry about the bp thing? will an eye test reassure me? he said it will.

My head just hurts when i bend down and mainly in my nose it feels heavy but im still worried coz he said sinus pain would be in the face.

Can anyone reassure me? my auntie had a brain tumour 2 years ago so im a tad worried.

17-08-08, 00:23
hiya hun, i went to docs few years back with exactly same thing and everytime i bent down i had head pressure etc. i was worried thought it must be serious cos it was painful too and it turned out to be sinus. i had never had it before so i didnt know wot it was. my mum gets wot u have all the time so please do not worry it is only sinus, nothing else. hugs xxxx

17-08-08, 00:43
Sinus pain can be felt on the top of your head, in your gums or your jaw as well as your face. The fact that your head and nose hurt more when you bend down makes it more likely that it is sinus pain rather than anything else.

When you have an eye exam the optician will look into the back of your eyes and will be able to see if there is additional pressure or anything else unusual that would suggest a tumour.

Your blood pressure can go up while you're having it tested because you are anxious. I know this always happens to me! From what you say it sounds like you might have been anxious during your consult.

I've had pressure just above my right eye for for nearly 6 weeks. I've also had a bad viral infection with swollen glands, ear infection etc but that didn't stop me freaking out about the eye pain. My doctor and optician have both looked into the back of my eye and can't see any pressure on my optic nerve that would indicate a tumour. Both say that it is more than likely to be sinus pain. It eases when I breathe in some steam (try that, by the way).

Your doctor clearly thinks that it is your sinuses rather than anything else. If he thought that it might be something else he would have checked it out - that's his job. Although he might not have the greatest bedside manner, it's more than likely that he wants to help you and to get the right diagnosis.

Hope that helps (:

17-08-08, 04:24
I, too, had pretty much this same problem Was having headaches (tension, I think), but after muscle relaxants didn't solve the problem, I mentioned to the Dr. that I felt more pressure when I bent over. He ordered an MRI, which freaked me out, but it turned out okay.

The eye test will be a good indicator of whether or not a tumor is present. The Dr. is just doing what he's supposed to do, but it sounds like he thinks it's your sinuses. I wouldn't worry about it, you'll be fine.

17-08-08, 07:38
Saw GP today coz of my 'sinus' pain being so bad, told him it feels full of pressure when i bend over (picking kids toys up etc..) at top of head and just in nose.

He then started asking me alot of questions which i knew were about brain tumours, he took my BP on an electric monitor and it was 136/83 which he said was great but i panicked because ive been at the GP alot lately with very low bp and dizzy spells. BP 2 weeks ago was 90/60. I went into panic and told him thats very high for me but he said its not high at all. Mine is usually done manually though?

GP today said that he just wants me to have an eye test to rule out anything nasty so got really anxious but made him laugh by saying 'u think ive a tumour don't u? i only came here for some antibiotics for my sinusitis':winks: he was laughing at me and telling my mum he thinks im a character.

He said sinus usually hurts in the face not top of the head but as the nose does feel congested on bending and it even pops at times then maybe it is just congestion, ive had a virus causing a cough for 3 weeks nearly.

I am just a tad anxious now, what if its a tumour?should i worry about the bp thing? will an eye test reassure me? he said it will.

My head just hurts when i bend down and mainly in my nose it feels heavy but im still worried coz he said sinus pain would be in the face.

Can anyone reassure me? my auntie had a brain tumour 2 years ago so im a tad worried.

If he thought you had a brain tumour he would have referred you to the hospital and asked for an MRI. I wouldn't worry it is most probably a sinus problem.

17-08-08, 08:25
Thank you all very much for your replies.

I am abit more relaxed about it now, was just abit scared going and being told all of that.

He said its probably just congestion but an eye exam will reassure me so tomorrow I am going tomorrow hopefully, I am due one.

The BP thing is worrying me a tad as mine never goes up even when anxious, lol! I hate having my BP done.

I will see how the eye test goes and if the headache continues although its only painful when bending over then I will go to my regular GP for a chat and have my bp done again;-) haha.

Thanks again.

17-08-08, 09:43
Thank you all very much for your replies.

I am abit more relaxed about it now, was just abit scared going and being told all of that.

He said its probably just congestion but an eye exam will reassure me so tomorrow I am going tomorrow hopefully, I am due one.

The BP thing is worrying me a tad as mine never goes up even when anxious, lol! I hate having my BP done.

I will see how the eye test goes and if the headache continues although its only painful when bending over then I will go to my regular GP for a chat and have my bp done again;-) haha.

Thanks again.

I am glad you are feeling more relaxed, sinuses can be extremely painful.

17-08-08, 11:07
Thanks Trixie,

My hubby did a read for me and did his best to reassure me.

Its all facial pain today aswell as my nose so sure its congesetion.

17-08-08, 12:57
i get sinus, especially round time of period and my symptoms are exact same as yours. ITS SINUS, not brain tumour Libby. But i used to think same as you. Hope you feel better soon x

17-08-08, 13:36

So you get pressure at top of your head? think thats why GP was concerned as he said sinus is in the face but im sure in past ive had sinus pain at top of head in past and dr has prescribed sudafed.

I am taking sudafed and steaming.

My sis just took my bp manually and it was 120/80 so maybe last night i was just abit worked up.

17-08-08, 14:48
yes pressure at top of head, fuzzy/clogged up head, ringing in ears, pains in face, hurts to bend/move my head, its horrible. sudafed is good. last night caused your bp to rise coz of stress.

17-08-08, 22:07
Thanks Nikki,

So has yours in the past gone without antibiotics?

17-08-08, 22:48
I wouldn't worry about your blood pressure as you said yourself this time it was done on an automatic one rather than the manual one. It is well known that the automatic ones especially if the cuff is slightly too small give higher readings than the manual ones.

When I was last in hospital for appendix op 5 months ago they only use the automatic ones and a nurse demonstrated to me how unreliable they are. One machine would give a terribly high reading but if she switched it off then back on again you got a normal reading!!! Another machine only had a very tiny cuff on it and she took my blood pressure on right sized cuff and it was normal then did it again with tiny cuff and it was sky high - I think she was bored! and seemed to enjoy showing me why they take blood pressure readings with a pinch of salt unless they are consistantly high on every machine.

18-08-08, 09:06
Thanks very much.

My gp always uses manual never electronic one.

I am very slim so dont think cuff was too tight or anything.

My sis did it manually for me yesterday and it was 120/80.

I feel abit better today, just trying to get an eye test arranged for peace of mind.

18-08-08, 18:57
Libby hello

I know how you feel as i have issues with my head and i keep getting a lot of pressure and migraines over my eyes which im pretty confident are sinus relates however being the hypochondriac im convinced its an aneurysm.

It is amazing how much your BP can increase with stress. Throughout my breakdown i had a reading of 170/100 now as i feel much calmer its 120/90. There is a well known syndrome called white coat associated with havin your blood pressure taken...

I hope your feeling much more reassured following everyone's great comments.

Best wishes, Nicola