View Full Version : Feeling down

17-08-08, 00:28
I have been feeling a bit down for the last week...just fed up of work and I feel stressed out by little things.

Nothing seems to be making me happy this week and just feel any smile I put on is false and its build up over the week. I think it's me being bored with work and the fact I'm single.

I just feel after searching for months there's no nice woman out there for me and it's 50% making me feel bad just like a dark cloud over me and I feel empty being single...can anybody offer me any positive advice on feeling down this week? anybody else feel this way?

17-08-08, 00:47
Hiya ...every1 goes through this m8 ..life isnt easy and even people that are happy and content with their lives have bad weeks .

If your not happy in your job (which most people arent )..then would it be a possibility 2 look for a new job ..then you will meet more new people .

and also stop searching for a partner ...get yourself in a position where you are happy with yourself and just be you .......
why do u feel empty with out a partner ?
how old are u if u dont mind me asking.

keep your held held high and b proud of u and remember every1 has bad tyms m8y .

17-08-08, 00:57
I have been feeling pretty down lately as my anxiety has been worse lately. I am married, but still find at times I feel alone because I am not always understood. I think we need to look within to find the happiness we once had. I am still working on this. Just know you are not alone.

17-08-08, 01:07
Hiya ...every1 goes through this m8 ..life isnt easy and even people that are happy and content with their lives have bad weeks .

If your not happy in your job (which most people arent )..then would it be a possibility 2 look for a new job ..then you will meet more new people .

and also stop searching for a partner ...get yourself in a position where you are happy with yourself and just be you .......
why do u feel empty with out a partner ?
how old are u if u dont mind me asking.

keep your held held high and b proud of u and remember every1 has bad tyms m8y .

Thanks. I duno if I'm ready for a new job as I only started this one about 2 months back. I'm 19 at the moment..I feel empty as I just enjoyed the company with my previous ex's and just can't stand being single. It makes it worse when you can't get dates.

17-08-08, 01:27
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I am sorry to hear how you are feeling.

When we have problems in life and life SEEMS to be throwing alot of probs at us at the same time, we NEED to take a BIG STEP back, look at each problem and try are best to find positive pathways forward, on each prob, ohh I know this can be dame hard.

**I think it's me being bored with work and the fact I'm single.**

What is it that bores you at work, can you change things, is working in this place a big problem for you, do you feel you need to move on from this job, is the job a small problem, which, when the bigger problem is addressed, feeling board with your job will go away?

I know you have alot of issues with Mrs anxiety playing with you at the moment, she is showing you ALL the negatives in life, when this happens, it is sooo hard to find the positive, BUT, YOU must work on your thought pattens and find them.

**I just feel after searching for months there's no nice woman out there for me and it's 50% making me feel bad just like a dark cloud over me and I feel empty being single...**

Do you feel, that finding a women will make you feel, 50% better, mmm, I feel you may answer yes, because again Mrs anxiety is playing with you. SHE knows, YOU WANT this soooo much, she knows, it will prove a point if you have a girlfriend. Hunny, from what I know, when I was acute, the MORE I wanted something, the less I got it, the more I wanted the feelings and thoughts of anxiety to go, THEY CAME.

From what I know, if you go looking for love, you will not find it, IT finds you. If you go out looking for a girlfriend, it seems we have it labele on our head and women or man in my case, will run a mile. What is needed is to find friends, people who we can talk to, get to know them, see them as friends and nothing more, people click and things take time, there can be noo rush with a relationship.

Hunny, I feel that there IS someone out there for EVERYONE and on most occations it happens when we least expect it.

I remember when I was young, oh I still am young, 44 years young LOL but I felt the same way, all my friends had boyfriends, but not me, :lac:I did have probs back then, I thought there was something wrong with me, BUT, it happend, I found someone and have been with him for along time,

YOU WILL find someone, but you have to try DAME hard to take the importants of having a girlfriend away. The more importance you but on this, the more Mrs anxiety will play with you.

Useing positive self thought is NOT easy, it takes alot of hard work and time, when the thought comes up of having a girlfriend you have to try dame hard to think, YES, I can get one, but like for everyone else on this plannet, she is not going to just drop into my lap, I will meat one, one day, I KNOW I WILL. In the mean time, I will go out have good times, she IS out there.

There are plenty of ways of meeting women, not just going to the pubs, do you have an intrest and find classes for that intrest, widen you social seen, is this possible. I know a friend of mine felt the same as you and she went on single holidays, she went on a few, but she found someone doing this.

YOU ARE NOT alone with this hun, I feel that there are plenty of men out there with the same feelings as yours, BUT, they are aftraid to addmit it. YOU ARE NOT, and this is progress, it takes a special person to admit things and you are speical hun, NEVER forgot that.

There is a women out there, who is looking for you, but, you have to be, in the right place at the right time, YOU WILL find that place and that time, please see this.

See this as NOT a problem, but as a stop gab in your life, all people have them, some people find love fast, others take awhile longer, BUT, it will happen.



17-08-08, 02:18
I'm 19 at the moment..I feel empty as I just enjoyed the company with my previous ex's and just can't stand being single. It makes it worse when you can't get dates.

Hang in there buddy. The're aren't too many 19 year olds (even today) that have what they would consider great jobs. I was chopping onions at 19 as a job (nice job, huh?). Don't let it get you down by thinking that it will always be that way. Keep your nose to the grindstone and you'll find things looking up -- and moving up -- as time goes on.

As for being single at 19, I was single at 19, met my wife, and have been with her for the past 33 years. So you never know what is just around the corner at your age. You could be married with 3 kids in no time at all. :doh:

Of course, there are no guarantees in life. But if you want to buy one, I'll sell one to you. :D

And, I still chop onions (at home) BUT . . . I bring them home in a really fast Mercedes sports car. :shades: