View Full Version : Wasps

17-08-08, 11:03
This is going to sound very very stupid and trivial but i am driving myself mad here..

As everyone knows its that horrible time of the year when the evil wasps are out to get everyone....and Im terrified of them.

Yesterday there were a few got in the house, a few at work the day before that...all of which sent me running for safety....but there have always been other people around to deal with them.

This morning I'm on my own and Ive already sprayed one to death in the kitchen (think the dog almost choked to death too with the fumes from the spray!)...I cant bear to look at it even though its dead and now I keep thinking I can hear buzzing everywhere....I dont know whether its my imagination or real...Im really jumpy and carrying this flippin can of wasp spray around with me....I feel like my nerves are shot to bits...

I know this is nothing to most people but I seriously think Im going a bit mad...I cant decide if the buzzing is real or in my head....please tell me Im not alone in this....and do you think if there were a nest nearby I would be SEEING loads of them as well as just thinking I can hear them....I swear if theres a nest anywhere in my house I'll need to move out!


Coni XXX

milly jones
17-08-08, 11:21
hun ur anx about them

ur brain plays tricks on u

its like jumping when the phone rings and u have sa.

uve prob got heightened hearing to have that flight or fright response ready just in case.

if there was a nest yes there would be loads of activity. trust me i had one in a wall. ud notice them.

coni hun try and relax. the more u worry, the more anx ull become, then ull be ready and expecting more hun. and the cycle will continue.


mill xxxx

17-08-08, 11:29
We get wasps nests every year. I have been stung a couple of times (I have a terrible habit of catching them in my hands to throw them out, not recommended) but sometimes I do worry incase the kids get stung, you know, that paranoia you get when your kids go near a peanut lol.

The best trap I have seen though, is like this upside down bottle thing with a tray you fill with beer and hang outside. It's supposed to be very effective.

Tbh though, I would rather get stung than waste beer on pests ;)

17-08-08, 12:23
Thanks Milly...I am trying to distract myself but I can still hear buzzing...I cant even bring myself to go hang out the washing in case they are lurking at the door...and the sun is shining for once lol!

Jaco...the very thought of anyone catching a wasp in their hands makes me feel sick....the beer wouldnt worry me as long as the little pests died!!! (that makes me sound very cruel, which Im not....just where stinging insects are concerned)....and the worst of it is although I want them dead and the only way I can do that is spray them....I then worry about the chemicals in the spray :ohmy: ...I mean if thats what it does to insects what the heck does it do to us !!!

Coni XXX

17-08-08, 12:47
hiya coni

i read this post and thought omg this is me how i feel how i react when i see a wasp everything ,i am sooo scared of then and like you i can hear the buzzing and wont even think about going in the garden anymore ,i kinda run to the car if we are going out in fear of one flying next to me .
i think your right it might sound silly to some but i think when you have a phobia of something it is not nice and to have to deal with them being all over right now is to much.
i was talking to lisa(bottle blond) she was telling me that skin so soft stuff from avon is a good thing to have on as the wasps seem to hate it ,i think there has been posts about this before on nmp ,and for the garden you can go to B&Q and get a paper bag that looks like a wasps nest it keeps other wasps out of the garden , i have not used it so not sure if it works.
see this is why i like winter lol no wasps ,i have to go to chester zoo on tuesday and i am not looking forward to it one bit i know there will be tons of the horrid things grr:scared15:

jodie :hugs:

Veronica H
17-08-08, 14:05
Hi Coni
I have not managed to get rid of my wasp phobia but I have had some success since I started to visualise them as flies instead. I saw an 'expert' on the TV talking about wasp phobia and he said that they are no more interested in us than flies are. They tend to get more interested in us when we wave our arms about. He said that if you think 'fly' you will not get that instant fight or flight reaction and are more likely to open a window to let it out etc. I hope this helps....put the spray can down......
Veronica H

17-08-08, 14:59
Thanks Veronica....I dont know if I'll manage that but I'll give it a go.....my sons just killed another one in the kitchen....dont know if i can put the spray away just yet though lol!


Coni XXX