View Full Version : contraception advice?

milly jones
17-08-08, 11:25
didnt know where to post this.

i cant seem to take the pill, and my periods are haywire and very heavy and erratic. i tried the pill to help with this and my moods but ti just made me more anx re taking it etc.

has anyone tried the contraceptive inplant into ur arm, or the 3 monthy injections?

any feedback would be great

im also taking citalopram for gad, sa and depression. im also 43.

thank you

17-08-08, 12:04
Hi Milly,I have used the 3 month injection called Depo Provera and found it suited me fine. I had no breakthrough symptoms whilst on it and didn't get the dreaded periods which was great. The only thing is having to remember the 3 month date to make sure you get another one bang on,but the nurse should give you the next appt date anyway(it was me being lax that was the problem)
I came off it a few years ago thinking I should have a break but you don't need to and I have just gone back on it this week actually.The injection normally goes into the hip area or top of the arm and that's it,it stings for a few seconds and the muscle feels a little sore next day but that's about all.
The beauty is not having to mess about with stuff and it keeps your relationship spontaneous(if you catch my drift-lol).
Hope this has been some advice for you and good luck.

17-08-08, 12:12
hi Milly, the thing about the depot or the implants is they are hormone based too just like the pill, so if you have problems with hormonal contraception generally then maybe you need to consider other options.

Having said that maybe you just havent found the right combination of hormones to suit you yet?

The Family Planning Clinic or Sexual Health Clinic is usually a good place to start if you are undecided....the nurses and doctors there specialise in this and are very up to date with the latest developments and the options available to you.

They will also do a thorough assessment and can then recommend the best options for you and dicuss them with you...I know that its difficult to go to a clinic when you suffer anxiety, but maybe you could have someone go with you and ask for a very early appointment so you dont have to wait around too long?

I thought about the Mirena coil, though not for contraceptive reasons, just to see if it would settle my hormones and periods but Im still undecided.

Good luck with it Milly

luv Coni XXX

milly jones
17-08-08, 12:22
cheers con

i have made the first step to family planning to chat on the phone.

just wanted to see real nmpers advice as u lot know me and anx better lol

im ok about the appointment cos they were great on the phone.

i just want to help the pmt and heavy periods.

cheers hun xxx

17-08-08, 12:32
I think the marina coil is great for heavy irratic periods
I had one fitted for 3 years and it suited me just fine
It put a stop to all that trouble with periods

17-08-08, 12:42
When i had the injections milly, it was great not to have to worry about taking pills every day etc or having something put inside me, but i put on 2 stone in weight over the one year i was on them. so i came off them and i didnt get a period for a year afterwards and spent a fortune on pregnancy tests!!! so its good if you can control the weight issue but i just went up like a balloon.

17-08-08, 12:52
Sorry to hijack your thread milly....but kelly thats really good to know....Ive heard so many mixed reports about the Mirena coil..

Well done Milly for contacting the clinic....if I was nearer I'd come with you!

Coni XXX

milly jones
17-08-08, 13:14
so what do i do to stop weight gain?

ive only just lost 6 stone lol

is there anything out there that stops it lol

mill xx

cheers everyone xx

17-08-08, 13:27
when i went on it milly my doc told me i may have an increased appetite and if so to eat fruit rather than anything else. but i didnt notice an increased appetite and thought i was fine. i didnt really even notice the weight going on as it was gradual until i saw a photo taken at a family do and i nearly died. my face was bloated and id a double chin. i put it down to the injections as i wasnt really eating any differently than before. so i came off the injection and the weight fell off over a few months. I seemed to gain water retention when i was on it. it may be different for you.

17-08-08, 14:30
hi milly,
just thought i would say that i think coni is right. if you have had an adverse reaction to hormones already then you really need to speak to a healthcare professional about this and hopefully they will be able to help you work out the most suitable contraception.
i too had the depo injection and most definately would not recommend it, i was very poorly and once you have had it you have to wait until it naturally leaves your system, at least with the pill you can stop taking it. these injections last 3 months.
im not saying it wouldnt work for you but hormones can have such an impact on anxiety and many other things and what suits one will not suit another.
hope you find a good solution
take good care

17-08-08, 20:10
Hi Milly,

I had the marina coil fitted for heavy periods, the consultant at the hospital said to me that it is better than the implant as the hormone is concentrated in your uterus so side affects are normally not as bad as the implant, the marina coil didn't make my anxiety any worse and probably made it a little easies as I didn't have any periods for the 4yrs I had it fitted so didn't have any pmt. I did have bleeding for the first few months on and off but once this settle down it was great not to have any. My friend has the implant in now and she has had nothing but trouble with it and has blead every couple of weeks for over a year and is now having it taken out to try the marina coil but some people are ok with the implant. I don't like the idea of the injection as once it is in you and if it doesn't suit you there is nothing you can do to remove it but I'm sure the family planning will be happy to discuss all options with you.

Let me know how you get on.



milly jones
17-08-08, 20:55
thanks guys

guess it may be easier to have nothing and cope with pain lol

so confused

will go clinic and chat

ty all thou


milly xxx

milly jones
22-08-08, 22:43
just an update

i went to the clinic

they were lovely to me

we discussed all the different methods of controlling periods etc

it was decided that the inter uterine device would be the best method as it doesnt contain any drugs.

i have to wait to get it fitted now.

anyone with any experience of this id be grateful for advice

thanks for all ur past help with this

milly xx