View Full Version : Gosh this is horrid

17-08-08, 12:57
Sorry to bang on again... I've been a little better but today I'm in a right state... I have a really bad period and in addition my IBS is really bad... it always gets worse when I'm on, but today it's terrible, and I don't know why but it's really upsetting me, I've been in tears with it. I'm used to it and generally just get on with things, but today for some reason it is scaring me. Does anyone else feel like this with IBS? My stomach keeps churning and gurgling all the time, I have awful dull stomach ache, in addition to menstrual cramps, and keep having to go to the loo, even though I've been endlessly, both this morning and yesterday. Now my emetophobia is kicking in and I'm scared that I'm going to be sick (even though I never am with IBS).
It's amazing how this problem grinds away at me.. seriously, it affects my quality of life, my spontaneity, everything. I don't know what to do any more.
Anyway, moan over! Thanks. xxx

17-08-08, 13:02
IBS is the bane of my life Samira so you have my sympathies. for the last 2wks i had it really bad and thought i had something seriously wrong with me. cancer being top of the list. then it disappeared as suddenly as it came. I was going crazy. i was waking at night with the pain, it affected my life greatly for the last 2 weeks, and kept me home when i wanted to go places and kept in bed when id things to do with a hot water bottle on my tummy. Fybogel got rid of it eventually thank God because i was at the end of my tether. I know how you feel, but it will pass. x

17-08-08, 14:29
My anxiety and panic had been a bit better - until last sunday when IBS came back with a vengeance.
Like you i can usually cope as it comes and goes BUT this time i am really panicking. I don't know why but it all seems MUCH worse than before.
It is the awful churning that makes me feel sick and my head spins and i get so frightend.
The doc says "don't worry so much it is just the IBS nothing to worry about it will soon ease up".
It is just a week now and although not so painful - the churning and the giddiness really upsets me.:weep:
I tried going into town yesterday but the panic got so bad i had to come back. :weep: and i thought i was doing so well!!!!
I really hope you all feel better soon :hugs: :hugs:
best wishes

17-08-08, 18:00
hiya matey sending u huge :bighug1: and im sorry u having such a bad day. nurofen liquid capsules always help me with cramps, i dont know if u taken anything.

i hope u feeling abit better now hun :hugs:

17-08-08, 18:11
Thanks everyone for your help... June, you sound very like me... I had a panic attack yesterday when I was out, then when I got back home the IBS kicked in and hasn't really let up since. It's terrible but I never leave the house now without worrying about needing the loo when I'm out... then the worry makes it all the more likely! I don't think I deserve to be living like this when I'm only 29! I'm also struggling with it being the time of the month... docs think I may have endometriosis and I have to have tests... I'm so tired of it all. Anyway, thank you all so much for reading, and sharing your experiences, and here's hoping we all find some relief. :hugs: xxx

17-08-08, 18:36
Just wanted to add... it's so hard to recover from anxiety with all this going on! I get anxious when I'm out because I'm afraid of suddenly needing the loo and feeling ill, and it's not an irrational fear... it's happened to me more than once! Also, very time I get my period I get anxious, sad, stressed and tearful.. no medication helps with that, I dread it, every month, no matter how much progress I've made, I get dragged back to square one. I am sorry to moan, and I don't expect answers... I don't get any from the doctors! I just wanted to express how I'm feeling right now. Thank you everyone for your patience and sympathy! xxx

Anna C
17-08-08, 19:32
Hi Samira,

I'm sorry you're feeling ill and upset. It does make anxiety worse when you don't feel well, or it does with me.
I don't suffer from IBS but I do hope you are feeling better soon.

Anna xx :hugs: :hugs: