View Full Version : Breathing lying down

17-08-08, 15:56
I first noticed my breathing was restricted when I lay on my back on the floor to do some stretching exercises - I have trapped a nerve in my neck, I felt I could not breathe and went into panic attack mode( had medical check up), and for a week I have not been able to lie on my back or 'lounge' I have to stand or sit bolt upright to get my diaphagm to move. I have been familiar with abdominal breathing through tai chi and yoga, but I could not put it into practice. My gp has given me breathing/relaxation excercises which are helping. I have been able to lie down at night on my side and just about breathe okay and eventually drop to sleep, but otherwise I have had to prop myslef upright in bed. Even if I try relaxation exercises in bed, I just cannot get my diaphragm to relax, and so fall into an exhausted sleep propped upright on umpteen pillows. Has anyone else had this problem?

17-08-08, 22:06
I can panic when breathing lying down, and jolt upright gasoing for air. I can still breathe, though, even if I think I can't! How are you when you wake up? lying down or sitting up? Even when I fall asleep half sitting, I usually wake up more or less flat! I must therefore be able to breathe while lying down...hope this helps. People used to sleep sitting up in the middle ages (hence much shorter beds), because they thought the devil might enter them if lying down or something...insane anxieties are nothing new, then!