View Full Version : Tiny pen like dots on skin, scared.

17-08-08, 18:30
Anyone have these? They don't go away with pressure and they are TINY RED DOTS---I read somehwere it's called hemagioma? Anyway I always had some on my legs, and I mean for like 5 years or so...but recently I noticed 2 more under my arm and today noticed 3 SMALL ones on my tummy...I'm olive skinned but some parts like my tummy and legs are really light.

anyway once long ago i googled this and it said if too many siddenly appear it may be a sign of an "internal malady"...ugh yeah...

and Idk i probably dont have more than 10-12 on my entire body but half of these are kind of recent and I'm scared that I might have an internal "malady"...can anyone reassure me, anyone have these???????

17-08-08, 18:46

ok i hope this helps

my hubby gets this ,more so if he goes to the gym and lifts weights is not sure why but has been this way all his life ,anyway my 6year old little girl gets it to, when i first seen it i thought it was meningitis as the rash as you have said would not go .
after the docs took a look at her they said all was ok and they told me it was just one of them things not to worry ,i have been told this by many many doctors now ,she also gets it very bad if she has been sick she gets it round her eyes.
i am sure you will be see your doc about it

jodie xx

17-08-08, 18:50
Jodie- mine dont go away, and they are moreso above my skin. They are red dots...I had a couple on my legs for the past 5 years and recently noticed a few even smaller ones elsewhere too...

Captain America
18-08-08, 14:04
i have them. every so often i get a few more. i went to a dermatologist and he said it's nothing to worry about (i go every year because i had a mole removed 5 years ago that was...suspicious).

of course, being me, i'd have it checked out. i'm at the dr every month. but most likely it's nothing.

18-08-08, 15:36
Captain America, thanks..thats all I needed to hear.

Honestly these have always been there, and once in a while, my anxiety kicks in and I began to furiously examine my skin and get worried about these (which are only about 12 all together and MAD small, some very light in color too). I realized I'm just being picky. It's not like I broke out with a 100 one day, what if Igot ONE new one in the past 3 months????

I need to chill.

20-08-08, 03:56
I have these too.

I've heard them called petechiae or cherry angioma and many other things. When I first noticed mine I FREAKED out. Thought I was bleeding internally...blah blah blah. Well, that was years ago and I still get a few every now and then but I've read they are quite normal (as long as a TON don't appear at once) and I don't worry about them anymore.

You're fine. :hugs:

20-08-08, 14:53
I have these too on my arms, my left arm is the worst i only have about 3 on my right arm :huh:

I am going to the DR next week as shes a skin specialist, im not too worried about them but i tend to pick them and make them sore so im hoping she might have a magic cream to make them go away lol doubt it :winks: !!

does anyone elses get worse if they have been in the sun?
Mine tend to be more prominent when its hot ??!!:wacko: :wacko:

20-08-08, 18:02
Hmm Jay, nope not really. Mine are SOOO SMALL that I probably won't even notice when they get prominent. Don't pick at them!! LOL. You're like me, I continously pick at parts of my body until they get sore and then BAM, I suddenly have some kinda cancer the next day. ahah.

you're fine..oh and I heard these can only be removed by laser surgery, but maybe a cream can lighten them?

20-08-08, 18:03
kimmiepie-haha I thought I was bleeding internally too.

20-08-08, 18:33
Hmm Jay, nope not really. Mine are SOOO SMALL that I probably won't even notice when they get prominent. Don't pick at them!! LOL. You're like me, I continously pick at parts of my body until they get sore and then BAM, I suddenly have some kinda cancer the next day. ahah.

you're fine..oh and I heard these can only be removed by laser surgery, but maybe a cream can lighten them?

lol I know I shouldnt pick them but its sooo hard not too !! they dont look so bad if i leave them alone :unsure: but they are still annoying !!

20-08-08, 19:36
I have 100's of these. The doc said they are nothing. Some of mine have joined up with each other and are big ones! My sis developed a lot whilst pregnant too