View Full Version : What a Frustrating Week!!!

17-08-08, 21:19
After I had my first daughter, when she was about 41/2 months old, I had some awful migraines. They were terrible, my legs went numb and i couldn't talk. My mother decided that this was because i had stopped breastfeeding to quickly ( i don't think i did and in anycase i had stopped breastfeeding 6 weeks earlier) and that i was also clearly depressed ( i hadn't noticed!) With that she marched me to the doctors and had me put on cipralex, for a headache! My anxiety began there. I have never forgiven her for it, i spent the next 2 years battling what i was told was depression only to be told by a more sensible doctor that it was in fact side effects of the drugs and there was nothing wrong with me. Great, however as you all know, anxiety isn't an illness its a habit!!! a habit i've yet to break!

Anyway, my second daughter is now 5 months old and the last 2 weeks i've had some awful headaches and my legs and arms are tingling. I'm so terrified that i'm back to square one. Ridiculous as i've been off cipralex for 3 yrs and have never doubted myself. So fed up....... and i hate my mother lol

on the plus side my babies are both gorgeous . . .

much love guys

milly jones
17-08-08, 21:32
i do think anx is an illness hunny

if people realised that then there would not be the stigma of control and weakness associated with it.

i have depression and anxiety and fight very hard to not let it rule my life. but i need support and help to do this. i visit the hosp weekly and take meds and therapy.

before i accepted this i was self harming and thinking suicide.

thats just my opinion anyway

sorry to disagree with u

i do undertsand that behaviours have to be modified, but i do believe that something in my body caused my breakdown in the first place.

i hope u find some peace of mind

milly xxx

18-08-08, 08:01
:emot-wave: Hello :)


When I had my son, I would say about 4/5 months after the birth I began to have similar problems. One thing that used to really get me is the tingeling in the arms and legs, it used to feel as though my face had gone numb...horrable! thought on more than one occasion I was just going to drop down dead and die. My headache would be severe where it would alter my vision.

But after a while I learnt that I was pushing myself to much and not eating right or drinking enough water. I can honestly say that 90% of the tingeling was just the anx kicking in and nothing more. the other 10% I had been sat on my one leg or lying funny. I also now know that when I sit a certain way my legs get instant pins and needles and this has happened after having my son so I suspect it might be related to carrying him or something to that effect.

I would have to recommend acupuncture for your headaches and possibly relaxation. Being a mom of 2 babies is hard work! personaly I try and stay away from meds but that is just me. If you are worried, maybe go see a doc regarding your headaches you might be lacking in vitimans or something to that effect following the birth. I just rave about acupuncture because it has worked amazingly for me and I hope people can find that same comfort. If you are in Surrey PM me I know an excellent acupuncureist that doesn't charge the earth.

Ok I am rambeling but hope you manage to feel better soon and enjoy your beautiful children :yesyes:

19-08-08, 21:37
Thanks Janieb,

It's very reassuring to know that other people have similar issues. It really frustrates me because i just want to enjoy my kids and my lovely hubbie but i just feel rough all the time! I am going to try accupuncture, it helped me a few years ago when i was struggling a bit. I don't condemm taking meds, I would just rather not as they have only ever caused me more problems in the long run.

I think part of the problem is that as its the holidays (hubbie is a teacher) we are all at home all day watching the olympics so lack of activity is making things worse!!!!

Thanks again

much love