View Full Version : Tense Jaw

Mags 2
17-08-08, 23:07
I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and have had several panic attacks and a general feeling of anxiousness.

Recently I have noticed that I'm holding my jaw very tense and clenching my teeth without realising. I read on the site about keeping your tongue off the roof of your mouth to help relax the throat, and this has helped a bit.

Has anyone else found themselves doing this, and if so, do you have any advice?

18-08-08, 11:56
Hi, Mags :)

Yes, I've found myself doing this... really makes your head ache after a bit, doesn't it? *hugs*

To start with, I used to just stretch my jaw as wide open as I could every time I caught myself doing it, like a huge yawn, several times, to get the muscles to relax. Then when I was prescribed diazepam for panic attacks, I found the problem was much reduced anyway - presumably because diazepam is also a muscle-relaxant.

Other things that may help generally (in my experience) are yoga and reflextherapy - I have a tendancy to carry my head turned slightly to one side now as I only have the use of one eye and get a very stiff neck as a result and the relextherapy eases this very nicely, and yoga is well-known to help induce a relaxed state all over.

If you find yourself grinding your teeth as well, I'd recommend seeing a dentist as this can be damaging over the long term, and they can prescribe a jaw-separater (a bit like a gum shield) to wear at night to prevent that.

Hope this helps a bit.


P.S. I've not tried it myself, but I guess chewing gum might also help?

18-08-08, 12:17
Hi Maggs......
I most certainly do tense my jaw and it drives me mad ..even sitting watching tv etc...i find im clenching my teeth and tensing my shoulders.

I currently looking in 2 massage 2 help me out with my shoulders but havent a clue what 2 do with my jaw.......If i find any helpfull suggestions I will post them 2 u xxxxx

take care
Titch xxx

Mags 2
18-08-08, 14:19
Thanks for the suggestions :D

I suppose I should give a brief background. I wear full dentures after having to lose all my teeth in order to treat a Brain Tumour.:scared15: They drive me mad, :mad: and clenching my teeth gives me very sore gums. I can't use gum and I don't suppose a gum shield would work with dentures :winks:

Stay strong,