View Full Version : does anyone else have this problem?

18-08-08, 01:42
hi everyone,

this is probably a silly question since i think what i am going through is a huge component of anxiety :blush:, but does anyone else have an issue with constant worry about your health? i have been in therapy and on meds for almost two months and have been feeling a lot better, but sometimes i still get episodes of strong fear.

if anyone has read my posts before they know that in the past few months i have had a bunch of tests (chest x-ray, EKG, extensive blood work, MRI of the brain and a mammogram) that all came back negative (thankfully), but instead of realizing what a positive thing that is :doh:, the anxiety remains. fortunately, it isn't constant and debilitating anymore, but i still have scary thoughts from time to time.

don't get me wrong, i know how lucky i am in regards to my test results, i'm just frustrated about the paranoia and wanted to know if anyone is going through a similar situation. :shrug:

18-08-08, 04:32
yes and i have had problems in the past that i think worst case scenerio. i just got thryiod disease and my mom has the same type which pressed against her windpipe so she couldnt breathe and needed surgery so now im terrified that it will happen to me. i have thryioditus that they say if i take medicine daily ill be okay but im still terrified of that worse case scenerio i do this with other stuff too assuming the worst. i dont know why we do it but youre not the only one.

19-08-08, 04:21
I worry about it 15 hours out of the day or however long I am awake. I have had tons of tests done as well but then I still worry that they missed something etc. It is very hard to live this way. But with HA it is VERY common. Huge hugs to you, know that you are defintey not alone!!!